Releases: PaloAltoNetworks/pan-os-php
Releases · PaloAltoNetworks/pan-os-php
- type=address | introduce actions=move-wildcard2network
- type=custom-url-category-merger | bugfix to merge correctly objects in DG hierarchy - add reason for exportcsv=file.html
- type=custom-url-category-merger | introduce argument allowaddingmissingobjects
- type=playbook | adjustment to fit to PHP version 8.1.x
- type=key-manager - extend support for new connection method "in=sase-api://"
- type=address/service/rule/tag/schedule | enable support for actions=display with method "in=sase-api://"
- type=rule | introduce 'filter=(group-tag is.regex /VALUE/)'
- type=tag-merger | extend output why it can not be merged
- different object classes | introduction of sase-api connection - update / separation between XML API and SaseAPI
- type=address-/addressgroup-/service-/servicegroup-/tag-merger | extend with in=sase-api:// support
- in=sase-api:// - Strate Cloud Manager | extend reading objects based on type=
- type=rule | actions=display/exporttoexcel - extend additional argument ResolveAddressSummary with name/ip value from nested members
- type=xml-issue | extend check with secRule category field for ANY + other category configured
- type=custom-url-catgory-merger | introduction of new merger utility
- type=XYZ | actions=exporttoexcel:file.html - introduce ID field
- type=addressgroup-merger exportcsv=file.html | extend skipped information with reason column
- class Zone.php | bugfix to create XML node "zone" if not yet available during creating of a new Zone
- type=address-merger | bugfix if overwritten object has not same value
- type=vendor-migration | bugfix for wildcard - do not replace leading 0
- type=tag in=sase-api:// | bugfix to handle tag color information correctly
- type=address actions=move:DGNAME | bugfix if same object name is available on upperlevel
- type=rule actions=exporttoexcel:FILE.html,resolveAddresssummary | bugfix correction of to
- type=address | bugfix for dynamic address-groups which are using address objects with tag filter from upper level
- type=rule-compare | bugfix for correct address-group member IP resolution calculation based on rule DG membership
- type=addressgroup-merger | bugfix to NOT replace a member with same name as the AddressGroup
- develop - start sase.php _ first version to use sase-api
- develop sase.php | check also post rulebase
- introduce a new connection method "in=sase-api://"
- general | introduce argument shadow-saseapiqa for in=sase-api://
- type=addressgroup-/servicegroup-merger - add additional output reason if groups can not be merged
- type=userid-mgr | correct usage of objectsLocation variable
- type=rule ruletype=nat | introduce 'actions=SNAT-set-interface:INTERFACE-NAME'
- type=dhcp | introduce 'actions=dhcp-server-reservation-create:IP,mac'
- type=service actions=name-charachter-replace:SEARCH,REPLACE - new default REPLACE value is ''
- type=service 'filter=(name regex /ARGUMENTS/) - introduce variables same way as type=address 'filter=(name regex //)- 'possible variables to bring in as argument:
$$$$ /$$protocol$$ /$$destinationport$$ /$$soruceport$$ /$$timeout$$ ' - type=service | introduce actions=timeout-halfclose-set/timeout-timewait-set & filter=(timeout-halfclose is.set/timeout-timewait is.set / timeout-halfclose.value <>=! / timeout-timewait.value >,<,=,!
- type=address | introduce 'filter=(value netmask.blank32)'
- type=appid-toolbox | bugfix for none declared variable php 8.1
- type=rule | bugfix 'filter=(dst has.recursive.from.query subquer1)' - adjust behaviour as for 'src has.recursive.from.query'
- type=address actions=move:shared | bugfix - add validation if address object has tag, that this tag must be available at target DeviceGroup
- type=vendor-migration vendor=ciscoasa - bugfix if staticroute destination is using wildcard netmask
- type=rule ruletype=nat 'actions=snat-set-interface:ethernet1$$2' | bugfix to change config also in offline config mode
- type=application 'actions=move:DGname' | bugfix if XMLnode for TargetDG is not yet available
- type=software-remove - bugfix - skip wildfire remove - fix for PHP 8.1
- develop f5_bigip.php | improvement - PANOS do not support ServiceGroup description
- general | dynamic content update to version 8721-8111
- type=xml-issue | extend for duplicate search on readonly device-group
- type=address-/service-merger | bugfix if two childDGs are having same object name and value - but somewhere in parentDG hierarchy below the target location DG planned for creating merged object - object with different value is available
- type=tag-merger | bugfix to exclude only these tag with different value (different color) - and merge with same value
- type=rule-compare | improve output to also fit for argument 'shadow-json'
- class Address/ServiceCommon | improve text output for type=address-/service-merger
- type=upload | extend to copy XML node from argument in= to argument out= - first version focus on Device-Group
- type=service-merger | bugfix for merging objects which are overwritten but with different protocol
- type=address/service-merger | bugfix - extend validation if objects can be merged
- class PanoramaConf | bugfix for type=device actions=devicegroup-create:NAME,parent - parentDG was not set correctly
- type=address/service actions=move:DG | bugfix - add additional validation for move to upper/lower level DG - if another object with same name will change behaviour
- f5_bigIP | bugfix for ServiceGroup which can not handle Description based on PAN-OS
- type=addressgroup-/servicegroup-merger | bugfix - extend validation to not merge/move objects if not same members
- type=xml-issue | bugfix - wrong XML node variable used for application Node deletion
- dynamic content updated to version: 8713-8071
- develop utility | introduce rule_compare_src_dst_srv_summary
- type=device | introduce actions=template-clone:NEWtemplateNAME 'filter=(name eq OLDtemplateNAME'
- type=rule actions=exporttoexcel:file.html,ResolveAddressSummary | extend with resolveValue field
- class RulewithUserID - read user information always as lower case - no case sensitive needed
- type=rule-merger | argument additionalmatch - change supported argument from 'logprof' to 'logsetting'
- type=address 'filter=(object is.region)' - extend display with custom region value information
- type=rule-compare | introduce new utility - to compare rule SRC/DST/SRV of two files
- type=address | bugfix for filter=(value string.XYZ ) if Object of type Region is hit
- type=rule-merger | bugfix if panoramapostrules and no rule are set for exportcsv
- class UrlCategoryRuleContainer | bugfix for PHP 8.1 - variable not set
- type=address-merger | picketObject from upperlevel of type TMP is not possible - to not merge
- general - different classes - reordering reading of region objects - as these are taking precedence compare to address-group and address
- type=service-merger | bugfix to not delete object if merge is not possible - rare condition related to object overwritten at lower level
- type=address-/service-merger | bugfix to NOT replace an overwritten object with different value with an object from upper level
- extend resources folder for ip_Protocol and Region IPv4/v6 files
- type=vendor-migration | improve output if arguments are missing
- type=vendor-migration vendor=ciscoasa | fix to avoid none object to read isGroup()
- type=vendor-migration vendor=ciscoasa | bugfix for creating service - to not add e.g. tacacs as service port
- update dynamic content to Device App-ID version: 8708-8036
- improvements for PHP8.2 - deprecated variable declaration | function utf8_encode()
- type=rule ruletype=nat | introduce 'filter=(natruletype is XYZ)' - 'ipv4', 'nat64', 'nptv6'
- type=rule ruletype=nat | introduce 'filter=(snatinterface is.set)'
- type=rule ruletype=nat 'actions=exporttoexcel:test-export-service.html' | introduce nat_rule_type
- type=rule ruletype=nat | actions=display - introduce dnattype, dnatdistribution
- type=rule ruletype=nat | introduce 'filter=( dnattype is.dynamic ) | (dnattype is.static) | (dnatport eq SERIVCEport) | (dnatdistribution is.round-robin / is.source-ip-hash / is.ip-modulo / is.ip-hash / is.least-session)
- type=rule actions=exporttoexcel:file.html | extend with dnat_type, dnat_port, dnat_distribution field
- type=rule ruletype=nat | introduce 'filter=(dnatport is.set)' - improvements to handle dnat fields
- type=gcp | improve helper tool for specific mgmtsvc tenant
- type=rule ruletype=nat actions=exporttoexcel:file.html | extend NAT rule information with dst_interface and snat_interface
- type=rule actions=exporttoexcel:file.html - rename column 'type' to 'rule_type'
- type=rule ruletype=nat 'actions=exporttoexcel:test-export-service.html,ResolveServiceSummary' | bugfix for service count
- type=rule ruletype=nat | bugfix for 'filter=(dnatport eq 22)' - (dnatport has xxx) delete as missleading information
- remove alias | pa_migraiton-parser, pa_appidtoolbox-* - as now covered with alias 'pan-os-php type='
- update utility information about actions / filter
- type=rule-merger | introduce additionalmatch=logprof - to also check that only rules with same logging profile are merged
- type=device | introduce 'filter=(devicegroup with-no-serial)'
- type=gcp | introduce actions=offboard | extend authentication with automatically open Google Chrome
- type=appid-toolbox | introduction of new type | integrate appid migration run directly by using pan-os-php alias
- type=xpath | change all filter argument to start with "filter-"
- type=appid-toolbox | introduce additional arguments to better use in bash autocompletion script |p1-marker|p2-generator|p3-cloner|p5-activation|p6-cleaner
- type=rule ruletype=nat | introduce new 'filter=(snatinterface has.regex /VALUE/)'
- Dockerfiles | update
- type=device | fix object count for utilities
- type=vendor-migration vendor=ciscoasa | bugfix during original config storing
- class CONVERTER.php | bugfix for bidirNAT adjustment
- class ServiceStore | loop detection - reduce mwarning output to a single finding per $groupName
- update bash_autocompletion/
- introduce develop script cyclePanroama_ssh.php
- bash_autocompletion | class MAXMIND | class SSH_CONNECTOR - small adjustments
- develop start sonicwall.php EXP exported config migration
- type=vendor-migration | introduce 3rd party Firewall configuration migration to PANOS XML config file
- type=vendor-migration | vendor=stonesoft - extend validation output
- type=register-ip | extend usage for Panorama registered-ip
- type=rule | actions=exporttoexcel - extend help information for applicationsee and hitcount
- type=xpath | introduce argument display-xmlLineNo
- class Snippet | bugfix add DataFilteringProfileStore
- type=address-merger | avoid error out on not yet supported classes Ethernet/TunnelInterface
- class Tag.php | bugfix for PHP 7
- dockerfile update to ubuntu22 and php8.1
- general | introduce argument 'shadow-displayxmlnode'
- general | extend utilities for Fawkes/Buckbeak Snippets
- remove backtrace from mwarning - mostly related to Fawkes/Buckbeak Snippet config