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Note: This dataset is the combination of four related datasets that 
were originally hosted on ds000113, ds000113b, 
ds000113c and ds000113d. The combined dataset is now in BIDS 
format and is simply referred to as ds000113 on 

For more information about the project visit:

This dataset contains high-resolution functional magnetic resonance (fMRI) data from 
20 participants recorded at high field strength (7 Tesla) during prolonged stimulation 
with an auditory feature film ("Forrest Gump''). In addition, a comprehensive set of 
auxiliary data (T1w, T2w, DTI, susceptibility-weighted image, angiography) as well as 
measurements to assess technical and physiological noise components have been acquired. 
An initial analysis confirms that these data can be used to study common and idiosyncratic 
brain response pattern to complex auditory stimulation. Among the potential uses of this 
dataset is the study of auditory attention and cognition, language and music perception as 
well as social perception.  The auxiliary measurements enable a large variety of additional 
analysis strategies that relate functional response patterns to structural properties of 
the brain. Alongside the acquired data, we provide source code and detailed information on 
all employed procedures — from stimulus creation to data analysis. 

The dataset also contains data from the same twenty participants while being repeatedly 
stimulated with a total of 25 music clips, with and without speech content, from five 
different genres using a slow event-related paradigm. It also includes raw fMRI 
data, as well as pre-computed structural alignments for within-subject and group analysis. 

Additionally, seven of the twenty subjects participated in another study: empirical ultra 
high-field fMRI data recorded at four spatial resolutions (0.8 mm, 1.4 mm, 2 mm, and 3 mm 
isotropic voxel size) for orientation decoding in visual cortex — in order to test 
hypotheses on the strength and spatial scale of orientation discriminating signals. 

Finally, there are additional acquisitions for fifteen of the the twenty participants: 
retinotopic mapping, a localizer paradigm for higher visual areas (FFA, EBA, PPA), and 
another 2 hour movie recording with 3T full-brain BOLD fMRI with simultaneous 1000 Hz 

For more information about the project visit:

Dataset content overview

Stimulus material and protocol descriptions

  Philips-specific MRI acquisition parameters dumps (plain text) for
  structural MRI (T1w, T2w, SWI, DTI, fieldmap -- in this order)

  Siemens-specific MRI acquisition parameters dumps (PDF format) for
  functional MRI and angiography.


  Audio-description transcript

  This transcript contains all information on the audio-movie content that
  cannot be inferred from the DVD release — in a plain text,
  comma-separated-value table. Start and end time stamp, as well as the spoken
  text are provided for each continuous audio description segment.


  Movie scenes

  A plain text, comma-separated-value table with start and end time for all 198
  scenes in the presented movie cut. In addition, each table row contains whether
  a scene takes place indoors or outdoors.

  Python script to generate commands for stimuli generation

  Source code of the stimuli presentation in PsychoPy

Functional imaging - Forrest Gump Task

Prolonged quasi-natural auditory stimulation (Forrest Gump audio movie)

Eight approximately 15 min long recording runs, together comprising the entire
duration of a two-hour presentation of an audio-only version of the Hollywood
feature film "Forrest Gump" made for a visually impaired audience (German

For each run, there are 4D volumetric images (160x160x36)in NIfTI format , one
volume recorded every 2 s, obtain from a Siemens MR scanner at 7 Tesla using a
T2*-weighted gradient-echo EPI sequence (1.4 mm isotropic voxel size). These
images have partial brain coverage — centered on the auditory cortices in both
brain hemispheres and include frontal and posterior portions of the brain.
There is no coverage for the upper portion of the brain (e.g. large parts of
motor and somato-sensory cortices).

Several flavors of raw and preprocessed data are available:

Raw BOLD functional MRI

These raw data suffer from severe geometric distortions.

Filename examples for subject 01 and run 01

   BOLD data

   Image property dump from DICOM conversion

Raw BOLD functional MRI (with applied distortion correction)

Identical to raw BOLD data, but with a scanner-side correction for geometric
distortions applied (also include correction for participant motion). These
data are most suitable for analysis of individual brains.

Filename examples for subject 01 and run 01

  BOLD data

  Reference volume used for motion correction. Only runs 1 and 5
  (first runs in each session)

   Image property dump from DICOM conversion

Raw BOLD functional MRI (linear anatomical alignment)

These images are motion and distortion corrected and have been anatomically
aligned to a BOLD group template image that was generated from the entire group
of participants.

Alignment procedure was linear (image projection using an affine
transformation).  These data are most suitable for group-analyses and
inter-individual comparisons.

Filename examples for subject 01 and run 01

  BOLD data

  Matching brain mask volume

  4x4 affine transformation matrix (plain text format)

Raw BOLD functional MRI (non-linear anatomical alignment)

These images are motion and distortion corrected and have been anatomically
aligned to a BOLD group template image that was generated from the entire group
of participants.

Alignment procedure was non-linear (image projection using an affine
transformation with additional transformation by non-linear warpfields).
These data are most suitable for group-analyses and inter-individual

Filename examples for subject 01 and run 01

  BOLD data

  Matching brain mask volume

  Warpfield (associated affine transformation is identical with "linear"

Functional imaging - Auditory Perception Session
Participants were repeatedly stimulated with a total of 25 music clips, with and 
without speech content, from five different genres using a slow event-related 

Filename examples for subject 01 and run 01


Functional imaging - Localizer Session
Filename examples for subject 01 and run 01


Functional imaging - Movie Session
Filename examples for subject 01 and run 01


Functional imaging - Coverage and Orientation Tasks
Filename examples for subject 06, ses-r08 and run 01


Structural MRI data (T1w, T2w, SWI)

T1-weighted images (gray-white contrast)

Full-brain volumetric images (384x384x274) in NIfTI format recorded with a
Philips MR scanner at 3 Tesla using a 3D TFE sequence (0.67 mm isotropic voxel
size). Facial features have been removed from these images for


  Image property dump from DICOM conversion

  Binary mask indicating voxels modified during de-facing

T2-weighted images (fluid-tissue contrast)

Full-brain volumetric images (384x384x274) in NIfTI format recorded with a
Philips MR scanner at 3 Tesla using a 3D TSE sequence (0.67 mm isotropic voxel
size). Facial features have been removed from these images for


  Binary mask indicating voxels modified during de-facing

  Image property dump from DICOM conversion

Susceptibility-weighted images (venography)

Full-brain volumetric images (512x512x500) in NIfTI format recorded with a
Philips MR scanner at 3 Tesla using a 3D Presto FFE sequence (0.43x0.43x0.35 mm
voxel size). Facial features have been removed from these images for
de-identification. Separate phase and magnitude images are provided.

  Magnitude image

  Binary mask indicating voxels modified during de-facing

  Image property dump from DICOM conversion

  Corresponding files for the phase image

Diffusion tensor imaging data

Full-brain volumetric images (144x144x70) in NIfTI format recorded with a
Philips MR scanner at 3 Tesla using a diffusion-weighted single-shot spin-echo
EPI sequence (2 mm isotropic voxel size). Facial features have been removed
from these images for de-identification. Records of B-values and B-vector
orientations are provided, as well as a fieldmap (3 mm isotropic voxel size)
for distortion correction

  DTI data

  B-values and orientations (plain text)

  Binary mask indicating voxels modified during de-facing

  Fieldmap files (analog filename to SWI images)

Physiological recordings and fMRI motion estimates

Participant motion estimates

These data have been estimated from the raw BOLD images prior to distortion
correction. Files are provided in a six-column plain text format for each fMRI
scanning run separately.

Example filenames for subject 01:


Cardiac and respiratory trace (physiological confounds)

These data have been obtain simultaneously to the fMRI recording. 
Files are in plain text format (compressed) for each
scanning run separately and includes the MR scanner's volume acquisition
trigger signal for precise temporal alignment. These data are useful for
de-noising of fMRI time series.

Example filenames for subject 06 and run 01:


  Conversion log with information on potential anomalies

Time-of-flight inflow angiography (arteriography)

Volumetric images (640x480x150) in NIfTI format recorded with a Siemens MR
scanner at 7 Tesla using a 3D multi-slab sequence (0.3 mm isotropic voxel
size). These images have partial brain coverage — approximately the same volume
as the functional MRI scans.


Phantom raw BOLD fMRI

Identical imaging set up as the auditory stimulation fMRI, but scanning a gel
phantom instead of a human participant. This data is a measurement of the
technical noise in the fMRI acquisition pipeline.

These data are also contained in the respective BOLD data tarballs.

Example filenames for run01:

  Raw BOLD data

  Image property dump from DICOM conversion

  Motion and distortion-corrected data

  Image property dump from DICOM conversion

  Motion correction estimates

  Motion correction reference volume (only run 1 and 5)

Group template volumes

Group-template images for anatomical alignment of individual brains into
group space. Individual template images are provided for BOLD, T1w, and T2w

T1w template:

  Template image

  Brain extracted template image

  Brain extracted template image projected into MNI space

  Affine transformation matrices from template into MNI space
  (and back)

  MNI152 template images (masks and prior maps) projected into the template

T2w template:

  Files analog to T1w template

BOLD template:

  Files analog to T1w template

  4D volume with all aligned reference images across runs and participants.
  For QA.

  Brain mask overlap stats for linear alignment of all individual fMRI runs
  across participants to the BOLD template.

  Brain mask intersection across all runs and participants

  Analog files for non-linear alignment


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