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User research findings (2019)

Shannon McHarg edited this page Jun 10, 2020 · 1 revision

Ballot question page:

  • Pros/cons should be higher up the page. They're important. - multiple participants said this.
  • Follow the money also needs to be moved up.
  • Gist is also important.
  • Tell me more isn't as important and should be moved down.
  • Who cares is confusing. Participants wanted more explanation or links to find more out about organizations.
  • Likes seeing interest on bonds because hadn't thought of that before.
  • Likes itemization of money.
  • Wants more citations.

Ballot info on Maine Ballot:

  • Wants info about not having to be out of town to get an absentee ballot.

Finding information:

  • People use Google to find info.
  • Hard to find information about county ballot.


  • Often finds out what's on the ballot from signs.
  • Likes that there's no ads on the site.
  • Wants to be able to put in a town and get everything on the ballot.
  • Didn't know you could vote early not by mail.
  • Participant found two sample ballots on their town website and wasn't sure which was theirs.
  • Participant wants to know where their house falls when there are multiple congressional regions in the town.
  • Want candidate information.