鋭い (surudoi), meaning sharp or pointed, is a bitboard-based chess engine written in C#. The aim is to be a highly performant engine that can rival the search speeds of many C++ engines.
The current state of this project is work in progress, but the engine can already play fairly well using the UCI-protocol. Current ELO is in the high 1800s, rivaling engines like Shallow Blue 2.0 and Pigeon 1.5.1. The playing strength will increase dramatically once a few bugs are fixed and evaluation is tuned.
A huge thanks to all the people contributing in Chess Programming wiki for sharing their knowledge, reference code and tips on how to build a chess engine. This, as well as thousands of other hobbyist engines would not have been possible without the information made available by them.
Search is based on a principal variation search (PVS) with a zero-window scout search. This search works best with good move ordering, which in surudoi is based on MVV-LVA with extra information derived from attack- and defense bitboards.
Coming soon...
Coming soon...