Only this version is now still in maintance, make sure to use this as if you have GPU.
You can use it to initialize a 3D boat with an arbitary function and to add ballasts and masts to your boat.
After this, you will be able to calculate the center of mass and center of buoyancy of your boat, with which you can obtain its waterline and righting moment.
In the end, the program will tell you whether your boat is stable and give you some instinct results.
The boat test video is here:
All the 3D print source files you need, including solidworks file, STL generating tools written with matlab(This program is modified on other people's work), gcode file that could be printed directly on Ultimaker, are here:
You can also find a part of this in /3D print folder due to the space limitation.
I know very clearly that this program is still far from maturation. If you have any questions or find any bugs, please feedback to me via email [email protected]
It's not permitted for students in HKUST's QEA class to copy any part of this code directly before they submit their code, or it will be treated as cheating.
This is Loop: 0
COM: 237 237 81
Weight Before Ballast: 0.00252125458791852
Weight After Ballast: 1.2640440464019775
Weight After Mast: 1.3301390409469604
COM: 237 237 76
Processed: 0.02% Loss: -1 waterOffsetLowerBound: -1312 waterOffsetUpperBound: 1968
Processed: 0.04% Loss: -1.0 waterOffsetLowerBound: -1312 waterOffsetUpperBound: 328
Processed: 0.06% Loss: 0.4679352939128876 waterOffsetLowerBound: -492 waterOffsetUpperBound: 328
Processed: 0.08% Loss: -0.7308024168014526 waterOffsetLowerBound: -492 waterOffsetUpperBound: -82
Processed: 0.1% Loss: 0.4653424322605133 waterOffsetLowerBound: -287 waterOffsetUpperBound: -82
Processed: 0.12% Loss: -0.08605213463306427 waterOffsetLowerBound: -287 waterOffsetUpperBound: -184
Processed: 0.13999999999999999% Loss: 0.2516588270664215 waterOffsetLowerBound: -235 waterOffsetUpperBound: -184
Processed: 0.16% Loss: 0.08304774761199951 waterOffsetLowerBound: -209 waterOffsetUpperBound: -184
SubmergedVolume: 0.001328026526607573
Weight of Displaced Water: 1.3240424470277503
Weight of Boat: 1.3301390409469604
Loss= -0.4583431873470545 %
Offset = -196
Buoyancy Torque under 120 degrees: 0.012794669516966006 N * M
COM: [237, 237, 580]
COB: [237, 256, 568]
It can recover
The height of Boat is: 0.1067
The Length of Boat is: 0.198
The Width of Boat is: 0.1782
This is Loop: 1
COM: 237 237 81
Weight Before Ballast: 0.00252125458791852
Weight After Ballast: 1.2640440464019775
Weight After Mast: 1.3301390409469604
COM: 237 237 76
Processed: 0.02% Loss: -1 waterOffsetLowerBound: -1312 waterOffsetUpperBound: 1968
Processed: 0.04% Loss: -1.0 waterOffsetLowerBound: -1312 waterOffsetUpperBound: 328
Processed: 0.06% Loss: 0.4679352939128876 waterOffsetLowerBound: -492 waterOffsetUpperBound: 328
Processed: 0.08% Loss: -0.9328624606132507 waterOffsetLowerBound: -492 waterOffsetUpperBound: -82
Processed: 0.1% Loss: 0.4679352939128876 waterOffsetLowerBound: -287 waterOffsetUpperBound: -82
Processed: 0.12% Loss: 0.09061288833618164 waterOffsetLowerBound: -184 waterOffsetUpperBound: -82
Processed: 0.13999999999999999% Loss: -0.5431023836135864 waterOffsetLowerBound: -184 waterOffsetUpperBound: -133
Processed: 0.16% Loss: -0.24674388766288757 waterOffsetLowerBound: -184 waterOffsetUpperBound: -158
Processed: 0.18% Loss: -0.07777969539165497 waterOffsetLowerBound: -184 waterOffsetUpperBound: -171
SubmergedVolume: 0.0013352405512705445
Weight of Displaced Water: 1.331234829616733
Weight of Boat: 1.3301390409469604
Loss= 0.0823802431114018 %
Offset = -177
Buoyancy Torque under 140 degrees: -0.017293643294573724 N * M
COM: [237, 237, 580]
COB: [237, 252, 564]
RightMomentList: [0.012794669516966006, -0.017293643294573724]