🌕 My name is Yison, or sometimes known as Nimphu on the internet.
🧑🎓 I studied software engineering at 42 Wolfsburg and Aerospace Engineering at Brunel University London.
🌱 I love learning! I am studying programming in C, C++ and GDScript (Godot's scripting language with a syntax similar to Python), as well as learning German while I studied in Germany.
🖥️ I am interested in software development, art, game development and game design. I have been participating in Game Jams and use the Godot game engine.
🌎 I aspire to be someone who has a positive impact, and someone who can be proud of their work.
☀️ miniRT (repo) - a small raytracing engine that reads text maps to render scenes | 42 | C
💬 ft_irc (repo) - an IRC server built to work with HexChat IRC Client | 42 | C++
🎮 Scorched (repo) - my first Game Jam, created for the Newbie Game Jam 2023 | Godot
🐚 minishell (repo) - a basic terminal that replicates some of the functionality of the Bash terminal | 42 | C
🔁 Push swap visualiser (repo) (source code) - a helper program to visualise the output of the 42 project push_swap | 42 | Godot