Report bugs you find on Barb & Carole Real Estate Team's website by opening an issue here and I will fix them!
Please include the following in your issue:
- The device you were using when you found the issue (desktop, or your phone's model)
- Your operating system
- Your browser version
- How you found the bug and how I can reproduce it
- How you think the bug might be fixed, or what's causing the issue, if you have an idea.
- Weird SERP result text or title
- Broken or missing social media thumbnails or description
- UX issues, so long as it doesn't imply a complete redesign of the page/website
- CSS browser compatibility issues
- Unappealing/Unintended appearance of some design components
- Swiper.js unintended behaviors
- Barb & Carole's website uses WordPress and was built with Elementor Pro.
- Custom sliders are using Swiper.js.
- Testimonials and Listings are Custom Post Types made with the help of Advanced Custom Fields.
Bugs that are experienced on browsers which version was published before the 20th of September 2020 may be dismissed. This include:
- Chrome version 85.0. 4183.102 and older
- Safari 14.0 and older
- Firefox 80 and older
- Opera 71 (which uses Chromium 85) and older
- Edge 85.0.564.51 and older
- All Internet Explorer versions
Please report the issue anyway so I can discuss of it with Barb and Carole.
Please keep in mind that the website is not necessarily optimized for accessibility, and wasn't intended to be, but if you desire to report a glaring accessibility issue, please feel free to do so.