Collection of scripts I use when working with ReFRESCO
Python script to display ReFRESCO residuals (steady or not). A help page is available via residisp -h
Example usage:
residisp 3729365 # slurm job ID
residisp ~/path/to/computation/folder
residisp --very-end -l2
residisp --max-it 20000 # to reduce the memory consumption: limit the number of iteration loaded
residisp --follow # to automatically refresh the output
Very small script to run vimdiff
between a branch and the trunk of an svn repository (hence not limited to refresco)
# use full path
rdiff ~/ReFRESCO/Dev/branches/overset/Code/src/refresco.F90
# or any relative path works too
rdiff src/refresco.F90
Small vimdiff
cheat sheet:
]c go to the next difference
[c go to the previous difference
do get the diff from the other file (diff obtain)
dp send the diff to the other file (diff put)
zr unfold the entire file
:diffupdate re-scan the files for differences
:set diffopt+=iwhite ignore white space comparison (can be added in .vimrc)
ctrl-w w switch between windows
Check if a module that has been imported is actually used.
This also generates a script called
that will comment out all the useless USE
Dependencies: ctags
This script generates a graph made of ReFRESCO's module, module are linked based on they USE
Dependencies: pyvis
This script returns trim parameters for the image given in argument using mouse selection.
$ latex-trim graph.png
trim={0.00cm 1.80cm 8.37cm 0.00cm}, clip
Dependencies: imagemagick (for pdf images only)
Helper script to compile ReFRESCO using cmake
Script to detect non declared variables of a fortran subroutine
$ check_declar file.F90 subroutineName
Script that extracts metadata from marin reports
$ report2metadata report.pdf
Script to get the method used by ReFRESCO to handle each boundary condition, needs $REFRESCO_CODE_DIR
to be defined correctly. The output is an html table that can be put directly on mods.
$ BCstatus
Print to stdout a 'functional' diff between 2 xml files.
$ xmldiff file1.xml file2.xml
# or to use vimdiff
$ xmldiff file1.xml file2.xml --vim
Paraview script to slice cgns files with minimal interaction
# to slice in the x direction at x=3 and display the Pressure field
pvbatch --field Pressure -x --loc 0.2 solution.cgns
# help page
pvbatch -h
Python wrapper for Eca's numerical uncertainty tool
uncertainty, p, fit_function = get_uncertainty(ncell_list, value_list)
Paraview script to export to png from a state file and cgns data
pvpython state_file.pvsm solution.cgns