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Collection of utilities that can operate on the EOL/RAF aircraft netCDF files.


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Collection of utilities that can operate on the RAF aircraft netCDF files. See the Wiki page associated with this GitHub repo for dependencies and installation instructions.

The RAF netCDF file conventions can be found here:

Program Description Required Packages
asc2cdf ASCII to netCDF uploader. Can read a plain file, NASA Ames, BADC, or ICARTT
flt_time Scan a netCDF flight and report take-off and landing times. Based on ground speed.
flt_area Scan netCDF flight(s) and report the max and min lat / lon values. os, sys, argparse, glob, netCDF4
g2n GENPRO to netCDF translator.
mkcdf Cheezy utility to make small test netCDF file.
nc2asc Python based netCDF to ASCII translator. Plain CSV or ICARTT output. os, sys, argparse, netCDF4, pandas, numpy, datetime, PyQt5
nc2iwg1 Python based program to read netCDF file and produce an ASCII file conforming to the IWG1. Has UDP output options as well. os, sys, netCDF4, pandas, datetime, threading, socket, argparse, time, io
nc_compare Compare two netCDF files. Useful for differing runs of the same flight.
nc_dips Count number of dips aircraft made in a flight.
nc_gap Report time gaps from flight.
nc_sane Python based netCDF checking utility; currently checks time and histogram variable characteristics. os, sys, re, argparse, xarray, datetime, calendar
ncav Average data even slower than default 1hz
ncextr Extract subset and place in new netCDF file.
ncfillvar Utility to add/create a new variable and fill with missing value (_FillValue).
ncmerge Merge two netCDF files. Must have overalpping time segments. Useful for over-writing data or adding new variables.
ncstat Provide statitistics from variables in file. sys, netCDF4, numpy, math, argparse, re, time, datetime
ncvarlist ASCII output of variable list. Var name, title, units.
deprecated/n2asc Old C X11/Motif based netCDF to ASCII translator. Plain CSV or Ames DEF output.
deprecated/nc2iwg1 Old C program to read netCDF file and produce an ASCII file conforming to the IWG1.
deprecated/nc2asc Older Java based netCDF to ASCII translator. Replaced by nc2asc one directory up.
deprecated/nc_sane Old C program for netCDF file checking. Had time checks but no histogram checks.


Documentation is available on a per-program basis.

asc2cdf - The users manual can be found online at


The aircraft NC utilities are a mix of C programs and python scripts. Newer programs are in python3 for ease of portability. Packages can be installed using pip or through the use of anaconda. On EOL servers, adding the following to your PATH will make available all required packages for python3-based nc_utils: export PATH="/opt/local/anaconda3/bin:$PATH"

The C utilities build and run on any Unix/Linux operating system, including Mac OS X. asc2cdf has no GUI, so it should compile anywhere.

C Dependencies

  • netcdf-cxx-devel (on linux, will pull in netcdf-cxx, netcdf-devel, and netcdf; may just need "brew install netcdf" on a mac)
  • log4cpp (needed by vardb)
  • xerces-c (needed by vardb)
  • asciidoc (needed by nc_compare to generate man pages)

As long as master runs against qt4:

  • brew tap cartr/qt4
  • brew tap-pin cartr/qt4
  • brew install qt@4

Python Dependencies

  • Specific dependencies for each python based utility is listed in the table above.

The tests for nc_compare require gtest. (On linux you can just yum install gtest-devel.) If you want to be able to run the tests on a MAC, install gtest by performing the following as root:


To compile this code for your platform:

Tools will be installed in aircraft_nc_utils/bin