A simple plugin that adds arms to armor stands upon right click while holding sticks
prefix: '&6ArmedArmorstands &8» &7'
no-permission: '&cYou're not allowed to use this feature!'
permission: armorstand.arm # Permission for using the feature
required: true # If the permission is required in order to use the feature
send-message: true # If a message should be send if you don't have the permission
consume-sticks: true # If the sticks should be removed from the player
drop-sticks: true # If the 'arms' should drop upon death
Developer API (ArmorStandArmEvent)
- getPlayer()
- getArmorStand()
import net.kettlemc.armedarmorstands.event.ArmorStandArmEvent;
public class ArmorStandArmListener implements Listener {
public void onArmorStandArm(ArmorStandArmEvent event) {
if (event.getArmorStand().getWorld().getName().contains("farmworld")) {
event.getPlayer().sendMessage("You are not allowed to use this in the farmworld!");