Synthesizer for Electro-smith Daisy pod.
Dryftor is a simple drone machine with 8 drifting polyblep saw oscillators and delay/phaser/chorus FX.
Imagine a siren in a beehive !
Pod controls assignments depend of the mode you choose in rotating the encoder.
Knobs positions are stored to prevent brutal value jumps when changing mode.
Six modes are present but not fully implemented.
In mode "white" (leds are white):
Switch1 toggles manual and automatic modes.
Switch2 is for mute.
Knob1 controls main frequency in manual mode only.
Knob2 controls the amount of drift of the oscillators.
In mode "blue" :
Switch1 toggles delay FX on/off.
Switch2 :
Knob1 controls main frequency in manual mode only.
Knob2 controls the amount of drift of the oscillators.
In mode "red" :
Switch1 : phaser on/off
Switch2 :
Knob1 :
Knob2 :
In mode "green" :
Switch1 : chorus on/off
Switch2 :
Knob1 :
Knob2 :