ZeroShotPoseEstimation: OnePose and Deep Spectral Method Roberto Pellerito*, Alessandro Burzio*, Lorenzo Piglia*, Diego Machain
(to run DEMO with custom dataset see below)
conda env create -f environment.yaml
conda activate onepose
if you have a m1 chip run the following commands:
CONDA_SUBDIR=osx-64 conda env create -f environment.yaml
conda activate onepose
Download DINO
We use SuperPoint and SuperGlue for 2D feature detection and matching in this project. We can't provide the code directly due its LICENSE requirements, please download the inference code and pretrained models using the following script:
sh ./scripts/
COLMAP is used in this project for Structure-from-Motion. Please refer to the official instructions for the installation.
[Optional, WIP] You may optionally try out our web-based 3D visualization tool Wis3D for convenient and interactive visualizations of feature matches. We also provide many other cool visualization features in Wis3D, welcome to try it out.
source $HOME/onepose/bin/activate
Download OnePose dataset from onedrive storage and extract them into
. The directory should be organized in the following structure:|--- /your/path/to/onepose_datasets | |--- train_data | |--- val_data | |--- test_data | |--- sample_data
Build the dataset symlinks
REPO_ROOT=/path/to/OnePose ln -s /your/path/to/onepose_datasets $REPO_ROOT/data/onepose_datasets
Run Structure-from-Motion for the data sequences
Reconstructed the object point cloud and 2D-3D correspondences are needed for both training and test objects (if you haven't run the sfm befor remember to set the "redo" fields to true in config files in hydra and configs):
python +preprocess=sfm_spp_spg_train.yaml # for training data python +preprocess=sfm_spp_spg_test.yaml # for testing data python +preprocess=sfm_spp_spg_val.yaml # for val data python +preprocess=sfm_spp_spg_sample.yaml # an example, if you don't want to test the full dataset python +preprocess=sfm_spp_spg_test_experiment.yaml
Download the pretrain weights pretrained model and move it to
. -
Inference with category-agnostic 2D object detection.
When deploying OnePose to a real world system, an off-the-shelf category-level 2D object detector like YOLOv5 can be used. However, this could defeat the category-agnostic nature of OnePose. We can instead use a feature-matching-based pipeline for 2D object detection, which locates the scanned object on the query image through 2D feature matching. Note that the 2D object detection is only necessary during the initialization. After the initialization, the 2D bounding box can be obtained from projecting the previously detected 3D bounding box to the current camera frame. Please refer to the supplementary material for more details.
# Obtaining category-agnostic 2D object detection results first. # Increasing the `n_ref_view` will improve the detection robustness but with the cost of slowing down the initialization speed. python +experiment=object_detector.yaml n_ref_view=15 #This command takes less time and only uses the sample dataset python +experiment=object_detector_2.yaml n_ref_view=2 # Running pose estimation with `object_detect_mode` set to `feature_matching`. # Note that enabling visualization will slow down the inference. #This inference only takes into consideration the sample data, if we want to apply it to the complete dataset, we need to set +experiment=test_GATsSPG_2.yaml python +experiment=test_GATsSPG_2.yaml object_detect_mode=feature_matching save_wis3d=True
Running inference with ground-truth 2D bounding boxes
The following command should reproduce results in the paper, which use 2D boxes projected from 3D boxes as object detection results.
# Note that enabling visualization will slow down the inference. python +experiment=test_GATsSPG_2.yaml object_detect_mode=GT_box save_wis3d=True # for testing data
[Optional] Visualize matching and estimated poses with Wis3D. Make sure the flag
is set as True in testing and the full images are extracted fromFrames.m4v
by scriptscripts/
. The visualization file will be saved undercfg.output.vis_dir
directory which is set asGATsSPG
by default. Run the following commands for visualization:sh ./scripts/ path_to_Frames_m4v # parse full image from m4v file /Users/diego/Desktop/Escritorio_MacBook_Pro_de_Diego/ETH/Third_Semester/Mixed_Reality/OnePose/runs/vis/GATsSPG/0501-matchafranzzi-box_matchafranzzi-4 cd runs/vis/GATsSPG wis3d --vis_dir ./ --host localhost --port 11020 wis3d --vis_dir /Users/diego/Desktop/Escritorio_MacBook_Pro_de_Diego/ETH/Third_Semester/Mixed_Reality/OnePose/runs/vis/GATsSPG --host localhost --port 11020
This would launch a web service for visualization at port 11020.
Prepare ground-truth annotations. Merge annotations of training/val data:
python +preprocess=merge_anno task_name=onepose split=train python +preprocess=merge_anno task_name=onepose split=val
Begin training
python +experiment=train_GATsSPG task_name=onepose exp_name=training_onepose
All model weights will be saved under ${REPO_ROOT}/data/models/checkpoints/${exp_name}
and logs will be saved under ${REPO_ROOT}/data/logs/${exp_name}
1. Use
python --input=/Users/diego/Desktop/Escritorio_MacBook_Pro_de_Diego/ETH/Third_Semester/Mixed_Reality/OnePose/data/onepose_datasets/test_experiment/test_frames
2. Downsample the images probably with
Use for the box detection
path_utils uses intrin_ba folder, which contains txt files with the bounding boxes, maaybeee
1. In inference_demo change from features to detection to use DSM
In this tutorial we introduce the demo of OnePose running with data captured with our OnePose Cap application available for iOS device. The app is still under preparing for release. However, you can try it with the sample data and skip the first step.
- Export the collected mapping sequence and the test sequence to the PC.
- Rename the annotate and test sequences directories to
respectively and organize the data as the follow structure:Refer to the sample data as an example.|--- /your/path/to/scanned_data | |--- your_obj_name | | |---your_obj_name-annotate | | |---your_obj_name-test
- Link the collected data to the project directory
REPO_ROOT=/path/to/OnePose ln -s /path/to/scanned_data $REPO_ROOT/data/demo
Now the data is prepared!
Download the pretrained OnePose model and move it to ${REPO_ROOT}/data/model/checkpoints/onepose/GATsSPG.ckpt
[Optional] To run OnePose with tracking modeule, pelase install DeepLM.
Please make sure the sample program in DeepLM
can be correctly executed to ensure successful installation.
Execute the following commands, and a demo video naming demo_video.mp4
will be saved in the folder of the test sequence.
conda activate OnePose
bash scripts/ $OBJ_NAME
# [Optional] running OnePose with tracking
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/path/to/DeepLM/build
bash scripts/ $OBJ_NAME --WITH_TRACKING