- JDK 21
- Maven 3
- Spring Boot 3
- Spring JPA
- H2 SQL Database
- discord4j
- flyway db version management
- /config spring bean configurations
- /discord the bot's listeners
- /model classes persisted to DB
- /repository JPA database interfaces
- /security access control by discordId and services
- /service wrapper around databases with access control and input/output validation
- SdcsDiscordBotApplication - the main class
DISCORD_TOKEN - get from https://discord.com/developers/applications DISCORD_SERVER_ID - get from Discord client
mvn clean install spring-boot:repackage
java -jar target/DiscordClubBot-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Or using IntelliJ, just press the green Play button next to DiscordClubBotApplication.main()
- Use gitflow
- Git branches:
- master - mainline stable branch, latest released production code
- hotfixes/HOTFIX_NAME - branched from master, contains fix for production code
- development - mainline stable branch, latest development code
- features/FEATURE_NAME - branched from development, brand new feature
- releases/VERSION - working branch to merge release code, typically development onto master
- tags/VERSION - stable release candidate for production