Pores for thought: Generative adversarial networks for stochastic reconstruction of 3D multi-phase electrode microstructure with periodic boundaries
Repository for genration of 3D multi-phase electrode microstructure with periodic boundaries
- Andrea Gayon-Lombardo
- Lukas Mosser
- Prof Nigel Brandon
- Samuel Cooper
Department of Earth Science and Engineering - Imperial College London
Dyson School of Design - Imperial College London
If you use these codes or parts of them, as well as the informtion provided in this repo, please cite the following article:
Gayon-Lombardo, A., Mosser, L., Brandon, N.P. et al. Pores for thought: generative adversarial networks for stochastic reconstruction of 3D multi-phase electrode microstructures with periodic boundaries. npj Comput Mater 6, 82 (2020). (https://doi.org/10.1038/s41524-020-0340-7)
These instructions will allow you to generate 2D slices of a SOFC anode, and 3D reconstructions of two types of electrode microstructures: a Lithium-ion cathode and a SOFC anode.
- We recommend the use of anconda
- All codes are written in pytorch
pip install torch
- For the pytorch version you will need to have installed
pip install h5py
pip install tifffile
The following steps are required to generate an image from a pre-trained GAN
- Locate the folder
- To generate a volume of a Li-ion cathode, run:
python NMC_generate_threephase.py
- To generate a volume of a SOFC anode, run:
python SOFC_generate_threephase.py
Larger volumes can be obtained by changing the size parameter alpha. E.g. to generate a 512x512x512 volume, alpha = 30:
params {
'alpha' : 30
Samples of already generated volumes of 64x64x64 voxels and 256x256x256 voxels are given in the folder 3D/Samples_volumes
The following steps will guide you through the training process of a DCGAN
This step is required to create the one-hot encoded training set cosisting of sub-volumes from the original tomographic data.
The original tomographic data must be in the same folder as the
script -
The tomographic data of SOFC anode can be found in (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpowsour.2018.03.025)
The tomographic data of Li-ion cathode can be found in (https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1149/2.0731814jes)
To generate the training set run:
python input_datasets_3D.py
The library corresponding to the pre-treated dataset (i.e. training set) must be in the same file as the
file -
To run the training process, locate the folder
and run the code:
python main_train.py
For contributing or submitting pull requests, please contact the authors:
- Andrea Gayon-Lombardo: [email protected]
AGL thanks CONACYT-SENER Mexico for funding her PhD
SJC thanks The Faraday Institute for funding
We would like to thank Prof Stephen J. Neethling for his input and valuable discussions
We also thank Prof Olivier Dubrule for his valuable input