1、Upgraded go-zero to v1.7.0
2、Upgraded goctl to v1.7.3 template
3、Upgraded Go to v1.22.1
4、Upgraded go-stash to v1.1.1
5、Upgraded Kafka to v3.9.0 and removed the Zookeeper image
6、Upgraded Elasticsearch to v8.12.2, Kibana to v8.12.2, and Filebeat to v8.12.2
7、Upgraded Jaegertracing/all-in-one to v1.63.0, supporting Elasticsearch 8
8、Removed the message queue listener ports
9、Moved the common directory to pkg directory
10、Added usage instructions for copier in the project:
Copier: This library is essentially based on reflection. In our practice, copying large slices takes up a lot of CPU, causing significant performance overhead. If possible, it is recommended to assign values manually. The use of copier is highly recommended only for copying single objects where performance impact is minimal.