- @srdrabx - Nacho Aldama.
- @pheralb - Pablo Hdez.
- @afor_digital - Sara Montagud.
- @ikurotime - David Huertas.
- @tmchein - Juan Rojas.
This is a Turborepo project with:
- Cohere - Making NLP part of every developer's toolkit.
- Next.js 13 with /app folder + Typescript - The React Framework.
- Tailwind CSS + clsx - A utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building custom designs.
- Prettier + prettier-plugin-tailwindcss - A Prettier plugin for sorting Tailwind CSS classes.
- HeadlessUI - unstyled, fully accessible UI components.
- Iconoir icons - A set of 1000+ free MIT-licensed high-quality SVG icons for you to use in your web projects.
- Playwright - Node library to automate Chromium, Firefox and WebKit with a single API.
- Zod - TypeScript-first schema validation.
- Clone or fork this repository:
[email protected]:MiduTeam/lyra-ai.git
- Install dependencies with your favorite package manager:
npm i
# or
yarn install
# or
pnpm install
# or
ultra install
- Create a .env file in the root of the project and add the following variables:
- Run the development server:
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm run dev
# or
ultra dev
✨ Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
- Frontend on Fly: https://lyrai.fly.dev.
- Backend on Railway: https://lyra-api.up.railway.app/.