# Should plugin be enabled?
is_enabled: true
# Should debug messages be shown?
show_debug_messages: false
# How strongly the SCP-012 will attract plyaers to itself?
attraction_force: 0.100000001
# If distance between a player and SCP-012 is less then this number, the Bad Compostion will start attracting a player:
affect_distance: 7.5
# Should blood decals be spawnd underneath a player?
spawn_blood: true
# Should SCP-012 be respawned if it is too far from proper position? (SCP-012 can be moved by using grenades)
allow_item_respawn: false
# List of effects given to player, when they are in AffectDistance to SCP-012:
- Disabled
# If distance between a player and SCP-012 is less than this number, the Bad Composition will start killing affected player:
no_return_distance: 2.5
# List of effects given to player when they are in NoReturnDistance to SCP-012:
- Ensnared
# List of effects given to player, when they begin to die because of SCP-012:
- Bleeding
# Should damage-dealing effects hurt affected player?
effects_damage: false
# List of items which may be spawned inside SCP-012 to bait player to come closer: (valid formating: - ItemType: chance)
- Medkit: 100
# Should bait items that are weapons or ammo be fully loaded?
loaded_bait_weapons: true
# List of roles, that will be ignored by SCP-012:
- Scp173
# SCP termination cassie message: (leave empty to disable)
cassie_message: '{scp} terminated by SCP 0 1 2'
# Should players drop their items, while interacting with SCP-012 (if set to false, the items will be deleted)
drop_items: true
# After what time (in seconds) from player death, should bodies near SCP-012 be cleaned up? (set 0 to disable)
ragdoll_cleanup_delay: 10
# Should 012_BOTTOM door close, when someone interacts with SCP-012?
auto_close_door: true
# Should 012_BOTTOM door lock, when someone interacts with SCP-012?
auto_lock_door: true
# Texts shown to player that is interacting with SCP-012. Default lines are taken from SCP:CB wiki:
i_have_to: I have to... I have to finish it.
i_dont_think: I don't... think... I can do this.
i_must: I... I... must... do it.
no_choice: I-I... have... no... ch-choice!
no_sense: This....this sense!
is_impossible: No... this... this is... impossible!
cant_be_completed: It can't... It can't be completed!