Releases: Mazamars312/Analogue-Amiga
ICACHE Fixed for WDLOADER to work correctly
LBA48 is done to make larger HDD images to 2TB in size
The Joysticks are completely disabled when using the emulated mouse or keyboard
Audio Mixing - Still some work to be done here to get rid of the snap or pops from the lower frequencys to 48Khz
Some changes to the caching for the MPU to speed up some processes
Corrected the mouse setting in the core for dock after the firmware 2.0 release from Analogue
Created a Settings file for the Pocket so new installs over old configurations will get replaced
Updated readme
Change since 0.0.6 to 0.1.0
Hard Drive support for the Pocket
Proper 640x400/200 video outputs work!
Write to floppy images
More memory for the fast memory locations and tested working correctly.
Larger memory footprint for the MPU to hold all this awesomeness!!! 128KBYTE
A OSD Keyboard on the pocket when you are playing on pocket mode.
Null modem support using a Gameboy serial cable between two pockets! This
could also open up Midi support. -
Also a emulated mouse on a analogue joystick in docked mode (This is the
left thumb stick and the left and right triggers for the mouse clicks)
Update to the Amiga 0.0.6 Core
Following things fixed
- Interlace mode corrected for games like DarkSeed
- Folder names changed for Unix/Linux/Mac OS and to help with the uploader system
- Faster floppy access times using a larger buffer in the MPU core and caching.
Moved files names and folders