Feel free to add new stuff here (if there is an update or something that could be subject of matter).
- Git: I want to believe you already installed if not, please do it.
- Node.js / NPM: for commitlint which is a lint for git commit messages.
- VSCode: which will be like your new best buddy.
- DevHub: enabled in your org.
- SFDX: download it from here or use the npm to install it
npm i sfdx-cli -g
- What's a Dev Hub?
- Installing Node.js for Windows
- Get Git from here
- Get VSCode
- Generate your SSH Key
- SFDX Metadata API Support
- Salesforce Extension Pack
- Want to keep your code as is finest? Try Apex PMD
- Get ride of annoying trailing spaces in your code
- ESLint is love
Lets start by setting up our local environment:
sfdx force:auth:web:login -d -a <<DevHubName>>
Adding the -d flag sets this org as the default Dev Hub. Use the -a to set an alias for the org.
This will prompt a new window in your browser and will ask for SF credentials. Then clone the project
git clone [email protected]:terja/sfdx-git.git
Let's move to the project folder by doing: cd path/to/sfdx-git
Execute npm i
to install dependencies.
sfdx-project.json Contains package definitions, namespaces and url to perform login
package.xml Contains all the metadata defined
package.json Contains all node modules dependencies
config/project-scratch-def.json Scratch org definition file
force-app Contains all retrieved and new metadata that will be used in the project
Next create a scratch org
sfdx force:org:create -s -f config/project-scratch-def.json -a <<scratch-org-alias>>
To open your new scratch org
sfdx force:org:open -u <<scratch-org-alias>>
This will prompt a new window with our scratch org.
Deploy the class TriggerHandler to the scratch org
TriggerHandler was wrote by Kevin Ohara as trigger framework. To see the documentation visit: Kevin's github repo
All metadata components listed in a manifest:
sfdx force:source:retrieve -x package.xml
Source files in a directory:
sfdx force:source:retrieve -p path/to/source
A specific Apex class and the objects whose source is in a directory:
sfdx force:source:retrieve -p <<path/to/apex/classes/MyClass.cls, path/to/source/objects>>
Source files in a comma-separated list that contains spaces:
sfdx force:source:retrieve -p <<path/to/objects/MyCustomObject/fields/MyField.field-meta.xml, path/to/apex/classes>>
All Apex classes:
sfdx force:source:retrieve -m ApexClass
A specific Apex class:
sfdx force:source:retrieve -m ApexClass:MyApexClass
A layout name that contains a comma (Layout: Page, Console):
sfdx force:source:retrieve -m "Layout:Page%2C Console"
sfdx force:org:list
This will prompt you all your available orgs
In order to register Sandboxes you can perform the following steps.
sfdx force:auth:web:login -r https://test.salesforce.com -a FullSandbox
sfdx force:auth:web:login -r https://test.salesforce.com -a DevSandbox
To login in one of these sandboxes, run the following command:
sfdx force:org:open -u DevSandbox
At the beginning of this document, I told you about commitlint, but what is this commitlint stuff?
Usually, when we commit out changes we do stuff like: git commit -m "add new class"
thats ok but it could be more semantic.
With commitlint there are some rules that will allow you to write these messages in fashioned way like
git commit -m "feat(triggerhandler): add triggerhandler to project"
Let's break the message:
: referring to feature -
: what we developed -
: a short title for the message, in the body you can explain all the details
This is based on Angular Conventional Commits. Also you can create your own commit rules
With commitlint we also have fix
, hotfix
, chore
, refactor
To know more about Semantic Commits click here
Im Jaime Terrats, currently developing software @ Softtek, Ensenada, Cat Lover and someties Musician. Main interests Salesforce, MERN, MEAN, MEAUN, OpenWRT, AWS, RN, Scrum, DotNet Core, Arch Linux, Embedded. If you have any doubts please ping at my email: [email protected]
I'll try to get back to you asap.
Happy coding and may the force.com be with you!