This Python application enables effortless viewing of your favorite books from your personal home library, making them easily accessible and discoverable within your home. It retrieves book details, including Author, Title, Publisher, and Year of Publication, from an XLSX file stored in an SQL database. Moreover, it offers additional features such as gathering information from websites like and automatically downloading book covers from Google Images.
- Program use beautifulsoup4 for scrape info from others website for descriptions, ratings and readers
- Find your book covers using google_images_download by author title publisher, date release - it's very easy to locate it now
- Check out book genres and desciptions, sort by any column you choose
- beautifulsoup4==4.11.2
- fake_useragent==1.1.1
- pandas==1.4.3
- Pillow==9.4.0
- requests==2.25.1
- google_images_download
- Adding books with Autor,Tytuł,Wydawnictwo,Rok wydania from xlsx file
- Adding rating description and readers
- Adding covers
- Browse books
run program by
- google-images-download now is only working from this repository, as main resorce seems still not updated
- for polish covers change utf-8 to latin-1
- I take no responsibility for what others do with that code, I do not advise for scraping websites that do not explicitly allow it, App is posted as a learning exercise and demonstration of programming skills in python