A useful list of git aliases.
Shortcut for git checkout
$ git ck
Shortcut for git status
$ git st
Displays the last commit in detail.
$ git last
Displays the commit history in a graphical way.
$ git hist
Display all branches in a more pretty way.
$ git br
Shortcut for git fetch
git $f
Combination of git add .
and git commit -m
$ git ac <message>
Combination of git add .
and git commit --amend
$ git amend
Combination of git add .
and git commit --amend --no-edit
$ git noedit
Clear all not staged changes.
$ git clear
Shortcut for git push
$ git p
Display logs in a more pretty way.
$ git lg
Allows push without triggering the CI.
$ git skipci
- Author - Malo Polese
- Website - malo-polese.fr