Create reads file from random genome with sim_reads
sim_reads --depth 50 --read_length 100 random.fa ecoli.100bp.50x.fa
Create reads file from E.coli genome
sim_reads --depth 50 --read_length 100 ecoli.fa ecoli.100bp.50x.fa
Correct a read file, output a file *_corrected.fasta
Bloocoo -file readrandom.fasta
Assemble a read file
minia -in readrandom.fasta
Assemble a read file with custom k
minia -in readrandom_corrected.fasta -kmer-size 63
Evaluate the assembly
n50 nadine.contigs.fa
Compare the E. coli assembly with the random sequence
Compare an E. coli assembly with and without correction
How the N50 change according to K (k=21,k=31,k=41 etc) ? (R Plot would be nice)
What is the best assembly you can obtain with and without correction, which kmer size did you use ? (ntcard can help you)
What happens with longer reads (250 bp) ?
What happens with a higher (or lower) error rate ?
Try to map the contigs on the reference genome using BWA
Try to assemble other genome from NCBI