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Effortless and enhanced caching for models and classes in Laravel apps


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Cacheable for Laravel

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Effortless and Enhanced Caching for Models and Classes

Laravel package that provides a streamlined and powerful solution for implementing caching within your application. This package simplifies the process of caching Eloquent models and other classes, ensuring improved performance and scalability for your Laravel application.


Table of Contents


To install the package to your Laravel project via Composer:

composer require mahmoud217tr/cacheable

And once the installation is complete, the package will be ready up and ready for usage.


There is a lot of features and usecases we will summerize them with the following:

1. Cacheable Models

You can make the model cacheable by making it implement CacheableModel interface and use the CacheableModelTrait trait as the following example:


namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Mahmoud217TR\Cacheable\Models\Contracts\CacheableModel;
use Mahmoud217TR\Cacheable\Models\Traits\CacheableModelTrait;

class Post extends Model implements CacheableModel
    use CacheableModelTrait;

Upon doing that your model will be using the Cacheable Collection as a collection which extends the Eloquent Collection, preserving the same logic and providing the model with caching features.

Making a model cacheable will provide you with caching features:

1. Easy Caching for Model Records and Collections

You can easily cache individual model records or collections of records using the cache method as follows:


use App\Models\Post;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cache;
use Mahmoud217TR\Cacheable\Facades;

# Caching the first post for 120 seconds
Post::first()->cache('first_post', 120);

# Caching published posts indefinitely

# Retrieve cached data using the Cache facade

# Or using the Cacheable facade

2. Auto-Caching Model Records

Models can be auto-cached, meaning all model records will be cached and synchronized upon creation, updating, or deletion.

CAUTION: This behavior may be unsuitable for large models or models with frequent changes. Use it wisely based on your use case.

To enable auto-caching, override the isAutoCacheSyncEnabled method in your model to return true:


namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Mahmoud217TR\Cacheable\Models\Contracts\CacheableModel;
use Mahmoud217TR\Cacheable\Models\Traits\CacheableModelTrait;

class Post extends Model implements CacheableModel
    use CacheableModelTrait;

    public static function isAutoCacheSyncEnabled(): bool
        return true;

Now, the auto-caching feature will be enabled, and all model records will be cached and updated automatically.

IMPORTANT: If you have modular Laravel application or you've changed your models default director, you'll need to do an extra step.

You can manage the cached models as follows:


use App\Models\Post;

# Get cached posts
$posts = Post::getCached();

# Update cached data manually

# Flush cached data

# Set cached data manually

You can also control the auto-cached collection by overriding the getDataForCaching method as it's default behaviour is to return the all method result:


namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Mahmoud217TR\Cacheable\Models\Contracts\CacheableModel;
use Mahmoud217TR\Cacheable\Models\Traits\CacheableModelTrait;

class Post extends Model implements CacheableModel
    use CacheableModelTrait;

    public function scopePublished(Builder $query)

    public static function isAutoCacheSyncEnabled(): bool
        return true;

    protected static function getDataForCaching()
        return static::published()

And now only the published posts will cached by auto-caching feature and in order of the latest.

You can also control the TTL of the cached data by overriding the getCacheTTL method:


namespace App\Models;

use DateInterval;
use DateTimeInterface;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Mahmoud217TR\Cacheable\Models\Contracts\CacheableModel;
use Mahmoud217TR\Cacheable\Models\Traits\CacheableModelTrait;

class Post extends Model implements CacheableModel
    use CacheableModelTrait;

    public function scopePublished(Builder $query)

    public static function isAutoCacheSyncEnabled(): bool
        return true;

    protected static function getDataForCaching()
        return static::published()

    protected static function getCacheTTL(): null | int | DateInterval | DateTimeInterface
        return 86400;

3. Cached Route Model Binding

You can also utilize the cached records to be used in route model binding by simply be using the CachedRouteBinding trait:


namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Mahmoud217TR\Cacheable\Models\Contracts\CacheableModel;
use Mahmoud217TR\Cacheable\Models\Traits\CacheableModelTrait;
use Mahmoud217TR\Cacheable\Models\Traits\CachedRouteBinding;

class Post extends Model implements CacheableModel
    use CacheableModelTrait;
    use CachedRouteBinding;

    public function scopePublished(Builder $query)

    public static function isAutoCacheSyncEnabled(): bool
        return true;

    protected static function getDataForCaching()
        return static::published()

Note: Modifying the auto-cached data by overriding the getDataForCaching method may result in 404 Not Found for non-cached model records. Solutions for this scenario will be discussed further.

You can change the cached data that is used for route model binding by overriding 2 methods:

  • You should override the shouldUseDifferentDataForBinding method to return true (which by default it returns false).
  • And you ou should also override the getBindingData method which represents the data collection to be cached (by default it returns null).

namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Mahmoud217TR\Cacheable\Models\Contracts\CacheableModel;
use Mahmoud217TR\Cacheable\Models\Traits\CacheableModelTrait;
use Mahmoud217TR\Cacheable\Models\Traits\CachedRouteBinding;

class Post extends Model implements CacheableModel
    use CacheableModelTrait;
    use CachedRouteBinding;

    public function scopePublished(Builder $query)

    public static function isAutoCacheSyncEnabled(): bool
        return true;

    protected static function getDataForCaching()
        return static::published()

    protected static function shouldUseDifferentDataForBinding(): bool
        return true;

    protected static function getBindingData()
        return static::all();

And now the data used for route model binding will be cached with a different key and have different values and will be synconized automatically.

When the usage of a different data for binding is enabled, you can control the TTL of the route binding cache by overriding the getBindingCacheTTL method:


namespace App\Models;

use DateInterval;
use DateTimeInterface;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Mahmoud217TR\Cacheable\Models\Contracts\CacheableModel;
use Mahmoud217TR\Cacheable\Models\Traits\CacheableModelTrait;
use Mahmoud217TR\Cacheable\Models\Traits\CachedRouteBinding;

class Post extends Model implements CacheableModel
    use CacheableModelTrait;
    use CachedRouteBinding;

    public function scopePublished(Builder $query)

    public static function isAutoCacheSyncEnabled(): bool
        return true;

    protected static function getDataForCaching()
        return static::published()

    protected static function shouldUseDifferentDataForBinding(): bool
        return true;

    protected static function getBindingData()
        return static::all();

    protected static function getBindingCacheTTL(): null | int| DateInterval | DateTimeInterface
        return 3600;

You can also allow the model to use an alternative route binding method by overriding the shouldUseAlternativeRouteBinding method to return true:


namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Mahmoud217TR\Cacheable\Models\Contracts\CacheableModel;
use Mahmoud217TR\Cacheable\Models\Traits\CacheableModelTrait;
use Mahmoud217TR\Cacheable\Models\Traits\CachedRouteBinding;

class Post extends Model implements CacheableModel
    use CacheableModelTrait;
    use CachedRouteBinding;

    public function scopePublished(Builder $query)

    public static function isAutoCacheSyncEnabled(): bool
        return true;

    protected static function getDataForCaching()
        return static::published()

    protected static function shouldUseDifferentDataForBinding(): bool
        return true;

    protected static function shouldUseDifferentDataForBinding(): bool
        return true;

    protected static function getBindingData()
        return static::all();

    protected static function shouldUseAlternativeRouteBinding(): bool
        return true;

The default alternative route binding resolver is the resolveRouteBinding method, which can be customized by overriding the alternativeRouteBinding method:


namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Mahmoud217TR\Cacheable\Models\Contracts\CacheableModel;
use Mahmoud217TR\Cacheable\Models\Traits\CacheableModelTrait;
use Mahmoud217TR\Cacheable\Models\Traits\CachedRouteBinding;

class Post extends Model implements CacheableModel
    use CacheableModelTrait;
    use CachedRouteBinding;

    public function scopePublished(Builder $query)

    public static function isAutoCacheSyncEnabled(): bool
        return true;

    protected static function getDataForCaching()
        return static::published()

    protected static function shouldUseDifferentDataForBinding(): bool
        return true;

    protected static function getBindingData()
        return static::all();

    protected static function shouldUseAlternativeRouteBinding(): bool
        return true;

    protected static function alternativeRouteBinding($value, $field = null)
        return parent::customRouteBinding($value, $field);

2. Cacheable Interface & Trait

You can easily make any thing cacheable by making it implements the Cacheable interface and use the CacahableTrait trait:


namespace App\Classes;

use Mahmoud217TR\Cacheable\Contracts\Cacheable;
use Mahmoud217TR\Cacheable\Traits\CacheableTrait;

class MyCustomClass implements Cacheable
    use CacheableTrait;

    protected string $customAttribute;

    public function __construct(string $value)
        $this->customAttribute = $value;

And you can use the cache function to store the object as follows:


use App\Classes\MyCustomClass;

$object = new MyCustomClass("data");

# Caching object indefinitely

# Caching object for 200 seconds
$object->cache('cache_key', 200);

3. Cacheable Facade

You can also utilize the Cacheable facade for some caching features, which has some drived features from the Cache facade:


use App\Classes\MyCustomClass;
use App\Models\Post;
use Mahmoud217TR\Cacheable\Facades\Cacheable;

# --- Drived methods from the Cache facade ---

# Returns true if cached data was found

# Returns true if cached data was not found

# Returns the cached data, if not found returns a default value
Cacheable::get('cache_key', 'default value');

# Caches data for with a given key for amount of time or indefinitely
Cacheable::put('cache_key', 'data', 20); # Caches data for 20 seconds
Cacheable::set('cache_key', 'data'); # Caches data indefinitely

# Invalidate cached data with a given key

# --- New features ---

# Retrieves cached data by key
# Caches the value in the given value with the key if no data found
# You can also set a time to live for cache
Cacheable::cached('cache_key', 'data', 150);

# Returns true if the given model implements the CacheableModel interface

# Returns true if the given model implements the Cacheable interface
Cacheable::isCacheableClass(new MyCustomClass('data'));

# Returns an array of the models that implements CacheableModel interface

4. Helper Functions

The package will give you a new helper functions:

  1. The is_cacheable_model helper function which checks if a mode or an instance of it implements the CacheableModel interface.
  2. The is_cacheable_class helper function which checks if a class or an instance of it implements the Cacheable interface.
  3. The cached helper function which retrieves cached data of a given key, but if not found, it will cache the given value by the given key with a given time to live if provided.

use App\Classes\MyCustomClass;
use App\Models\Post;

# Returns true if the given model implements the CacheableModel interface

# Returns true if the given model implements the Cacheable interface
is_cacheable_class(new MyCustomClass('data'));

cached('cached_array_key', [1, 2, 3]) # Returns [1, 2, 3]
cached('cached_array_key') # Returns [1, 2, 3]
cached('cached_string_key', "Hello") # Returns "Hello"
cached('cached_string_key', "Ops") # Returns "Hello" because data was found


To customize the package caching behavior you can publish the configuration file by running the following command in your console to copy the config file to your application's config directory:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Mahmoud217TR\Cacheable\CacheableServiceProvider"


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