This app fetches YouTube channel metadata using YouTube Data Api V3 and gives Exploratory data analysis of YouTube channel. It takes Youtube Api key and Channel name as input. By using Youtube Api data is collected. Using pandas data is transformed. Streamlit is used to Visualize the data.
- All time channel stats
- Total Likes
- Total comments
- Total views
- Total content length
- All time top videos
- Most liked
- Most Viewed
- Most commented
- Data can be downloaded in csv form
Initialize git
git init
Clone the project
git clone
enter the project directory
cd Youtube-Channel-Analyser
Create a virtual environment and install all the packages from the environment.yml (recommended)
python -m venv .venv
Activate the virtual environment
install required packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
start the streamlit server locally
streamlit run
MIT License
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