Fidentis Analysist a target-orientated user-friendly computer interface for processing 3D meshes of human faces. The program enables a variety of 3D facial morphological analyses designed for forensic purposes, such as 3D facial composite construction, automated landmark localization, face-to-face comparison and analysis of facial morphological variation via batch processing.
FIDENTIS is a software tool for forensic 3D facial identification, .
This project is being developed at Masaryk University, Brno as collaborative project between Human Computer Interaction Laboratory at Faculty of Informatics and Department of Anthropology at Faculty of Science.
Developed in Java, OpenGL used for visualisation. Libraries used:
JOGL EJML GlueGen Jama JavaView Jvx Vecmath
GNU GPL v2 licence, NetBeans v. 8.1. and Java 1.8 required