Bulk is a content inspecting SMTP proxy/server. By default, it will pull attachments from emails and analyze them with Yara.
Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited. 13-0510
Copyright: ©2014 The MITRE Corporation. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Bulk has been tested with Python 2.7. Bulk REQUIRES Python 2.7+ due to its use of argparse. Easy installation of bulk requires setuptools. There is no desire at this time to add compatibility for older versions of Python.
After installing the dependencies, install bulk by:
tar xzvf bulk-<version>.tar.gz
cd bulk-version
python setup.py build
sudo python setup.py install
Bulk scripts, such as bulk_proxy.py, can be placed in non-default locations
by using --install-scripts /path/you/want
when calling python setup.py install
This is useful if you managing multiple versions of python on a machine.
You can test your installation by invoking Python and trying to import bulk.
Python 2.7.2 (default, Feb 9 2012, 21:50:01)
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple Clang 3.0 (tags/Apple/clang-211.12)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import bulk
Bulk is essentially an SMTP proxy, so you can run it as a listening service. Otherwise, you can daemonize it in your OS's fashion. Bulk comes with scripts to be run as services.
To run it as a service (with default options):
Or to check the help
bulk_proxy.py --help
usage: bulk_proxy.py [-h] [--bind_address BIND_ADDRESS]
[--bind_port BIND_PORT] [--remote_address REMOTE_ADDRESS]
[--remote_port REMOTE_PORT]
[--base_log_directory BASE_LOG_DIRECTORY]
[--log_all_messages] [--block] [--always_block]
[--save_attachments] [--log_config LOG_CONFIG]
A content inspecting mail relay built on smtpd
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--bind_address BIND_ADDRESS
Address to bind to and listen on for incoming mail.
Default is
--bind_port BIND_PORT
Port to bind to and to listen on for incoming mail.
Default is 1025
--remote_address REMOTE_ADDRESS
Remote address to forward outbound mail. Default is
--remote_port REMOTE_PORT
Remote port to forward outbound mail. Default is 25
--base_log_directory BASE_LOG_DIRECTORY
Directory to write log files, messages, and
attachments. Default is /tmp/bulk/
--log_all_messages Log all messages to /base_log_directory/messages/
--block Block mail with quarantined attachments. Default is
--always_block Turn the proxy into a server (block all). Default is
--save_attachments Experimental: Save all attachments as seperate files.
Default is false.
--log_config LOG_CONFIG
Logging config file. Default is /etc/bulk/logging.conf
Choose a processing engine by supplying an import
string as the first positional argument and multiple
rules files as optional following arguments. For
example: --processor bulk.processors.basic
Logging is accomplished via Python's logging module.
To configure logging for bulk, use a configuration file. You can
see the default configuration file in conf/logging.conf
. You can
pass a logging.conf file using the --logging
command line option.
We love to hear from people using our tools and code. Feel free to discuss issues on our issue tracker and make pull requests!