This GDExtension was developed as part of my final thesis at the School For Games in Berlin!
A Camera addon for Godot 4.2.2.
Loosely based on the Unity Cinemachine.
Makes blending and shaking cameras easy!
Aimed to reduce the amount of code lines in your project a lot.
A lot can be configured in the Inspector.
Godot 4.2.2, GDExtension API -> C++
Camera blending
Includes infinite blending and one-time blending.
Both can be setup with different speed and interpolation settings.
- Dummy (Virtual) camera setups for future use, containing data of a future camera setup.
Priority camera, setup in the virtual cameras.
Includes moving and blending.
Following a camera target.
Includes infinite blending and offset settings, with varying interpolation settings. -
Signals and callables
Trigger on certain moments like the completion of a blend. - Blends can be paused and resumed.
- Many setters / getters to retrieve information of the current status of the camera.
Custom warnings and errors
Will safely ignore the error and provides information about the problem. -
Utility features
For example: Moving to a given virtual camera setup or checking,
which is the next camera in the sequence. For a complete list, see class reference.
2D only
2D Camera shaking
Includes shaking using the camera frame offset, zoom and rotation.
All three can be setup with varying intensity, duration and interpolation settings.
Can be used while blending. -
Following a sequence of 2D blends
Includes editor integration, which shows the sequence as debug lines.
3D only
3D Camera shaking
Includes shaking using the camera frame offset, FOV and rotation.
All three can be setup with varying intensity, duration and interpolation settings.
Can be used while blending. -
Following a sequence of 3D blends
- Rotation blending in 3D space
Looking at a target
Includes infinite blending and offset settings, with varying interpolation settings.
This example project is a showcase of some features!