BlackDwarf is a Python script that eliminates wildcard imports, also known as "star imports", from a provided target file. The script uses the ast module to parse and analyze the target file, and then replaces wildcard imports with specific imports, making the code more readable and maintainable. The script also has options for dry-run mode, prefixing output, and inferring imports.
usage: blackdwarf [-m] [-d] [-i] [-nf] target
positional arguments:
target The directory to be processed
optional arguments:
-m, --module The module to be processed
-d, --dry-run Dry run mode - No changes will be applied to disk
-i, --infer-imports Disable inference of imports in situations where a file lacks `__all__`
-nf, --no-format Disable formatting of the output file
-ca, --create-all Create `__all__` if it does not exist