using Terraform, this project creates a Jenkins CI/CD pipeline to deploy a microservice web application (Weaveworks' sock-shop) alongside a simple web form in an Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) cluster. Prometheus & Grafana monitoring tools are also configured to collect and display performance metrics of the cluster.
- The sock-shop project can be found here:
- The web form is a personal creation. It is a simple HTML/CSS/PHP application that collects user data and stores it in a backend MySQL database.
To run:
- Create an AWS S3 bucket by running terraform in the 's3-bucket-state' directory. This bucket will store all terraform state files
- Launch a Jenkins (EC2) server with required resources by running terraform in the 'create-jenkins-server' directory
- Configure Jenkins with necessary AWS & Github access credentials
- Create pipeline in Jenkins and build to launch EKS cluster, deploy web applications to cluster & configure monitoring tools. Web apps, Prometheus & Grafana dashboard can be accessed through Load Balancer DNS names
- To test built-in metrics in Prometheus, type 'sum(kube_pod_owner{job="kube-state-metrics"}) by (namespace)' in the search bar & click on the Execute button
- Grafana login details:
- username: admin
- password: prom-operator (default)