You can find these instructions on the official web page.
Rekkord is a multi-platform backup tool, with the following features:
- Write-only passwords / keys (using asymmetic encryption)
- Data deduplication based on content-defined chunking
- Data compression with LZ4
- Local and remote storage back-ends: local directory, S3 storage, SFTP servers
This software has not been stabilized yet and must not be used as your primary backup tool. You've been warned!
Use the following links for more information:
- Documentation:
- Download:
- Changelog:
This repository does not contain the code of Rekkord but only exists as a front. For pratical reasons, I've started using a single repository for all my projects in 2018 because it is easier to manage.
The source code is available here: (in the src/rekkord subdirectory).
Monorepositories have two killer features for me:
- Cross-project refactoring
- Simplified dependency management
You can find a more detailed rationale here: