Releases: KeYProject/key
Nightly Release
Full Changelog: KeY-2.4.0...nightly
KeY-2.12.3 (2024-09-08)
What's Changed
- Update LICENSE.TXT to reflect GPL-2.0-only by @FliegendeWurst in #3223
- Post-Release 2.12.0: Backport bug fixes into main by @wadoon in #3242
- Update BSH dependency of recoder by @wadoon in #3250
- Post-Release: Backport Deployment Changes to KeY by @wadoon in #3246
- Post-Release 2.12.0: Java and Version by @wadoon in #3241
- Applying Java 17 refactorings by @wadoon in #3252
- Fix dependency issue in SMT translation by @FliegendeWurst in #3275
- UI: avoid freeze when applying SMT results by @FliegendeWurst in #3255
- Stop automode or exit on SIGINT by @FliegendeWurst in #3249
- updating by @mattulbrich in #3288
- Problem statements in KeY file can now also be a (semi-)sequent by @wadoon in #3283
- Further Refactorings for Java 17+ by @wadoon in #3264
- SMT: add Z3_QF variant by @FliegendeWurst in #3287
- Fix for issue #3158 by @unp1 in #3224
- Some general minor code quality improvements by @unp1 in #3293
- Update beanshell to 2.0b6 by @unp1 in #3294
- Backport of KEY-2.12.1 into main by @wadoon in #3296
- Fix wrong quicksave failed warning by @unp1 in #3298
- Fix for issue #3286: Parsing of rule display names that contain spaces in origin labels by @unp1 in #3306
- Restore TermImpl to package private and strengthen immutability of term and sorts by @unp1 in #3304
- Fix Issue #3186: Model method looses nullability modifiers by @unp1 in #3307
- Revert lazy term index updates by @unp1 in #3312
- Allow origin labels to be switched off completely by @unp1 in #3316
- Proof Slicing: make dependency tracking optional by @FliegendeWurst in #3309
- replace JSR305 annotations with JSpecify by @wadoon in #3290
- A heap indicator in KeY's status bar by @wadoon in #3325
- fix ClassCastException in LogicPrinter by @wadoon in #3326
- Fix JavaDoc errors by @unp1 in #3329
- Fix broken addLabel Method in TermBuilder by @Drodt in #3331
- Heap status extension: proper max. value of progress bar by @FliegendeWurst in #3332
- Fix all warnings reported by ./gradlew javadoc by @unp1 in #3330
- Method names should not be created via VariableRenamer by @unp1 in #3231
- Create a basic by @FliegendeWurst in #3333
- Print real condition in if labels by @FliegendeWurst in #3222
- Fix consistency of proof status and tasktree icon by @unp1 in #3344
- Show notification after running macro by @FliegendeWurst in #3269
- Update to Java 21 Runtime for Testing by @wadoon in #3282
- Add help buttons to extension settings by @FliegendeWurst in #3348
- suggesting a pull-request-template. by @mattulbrich in #3018
- A new grammar for configuration by @wadoon in #3099
- Fix (for issue #3347) that node selection gets forgotten when switching between proofs by @unp1 in #3349
- Re-enable check for non-unique taclet names and remove two taclet duplicates by @unp1 in #3359
- Avoid name clashes in rule applyUpdateOnRigid by @tobias-rnh in #3355
- Handle bound variables in SMT unknown translation by @FliegendeWurst in #3263
- Fix update of proof tree in case of filter changes (fixes #3367) by @unp1 in #3368
- Configurable enabled keys for JML condition evaluation by @wadoon in #3373
- Get rid of experimental flag using more fine-grained flags by @wadoon in #3370
- ADTs for KeY by @wadoon in #3161
- Renovation:
by @wadoon in #3381 - Fix passing of warnings by @wadoon in #3302
- Proof caching: use dependency graph to increase hit rate by @FliegendeWurst in #3305
- Always sort extension actions in context submenus (+bugfix to allow disabling extensions) by @FliegendeWurst in #3392
- Update (license date and Java version) by @WolframPfeifer in #3412
- Activate the for Sequence datatype by @wadoon in #3398
- Solved an issue with row/column numbers in JML Parser by @LennartKleinwort in #3419
- Fix error handling for unknown sorts by @MarcoScaletta in #3428
- Hackathon: error reporting by @FliegendeWurst in #3426
- Fix position info for equality expr errors by @FliegendeWurst in #3429
- Add ADT Destructors by @Drodt in #3420
- JML enabled keys indicator for the Status Line by @wadoon in #3374
- fixes #1533 by @JonasKlamroth in #3423
- Hackeython smt mod by @BookWood7th in #3418
- added checkbox to disable example loader directly in dialog by @JonasKlamroth in #3424
- Generalizing Logic Data Structures by @Drodt in #3357
- Fix startup crash if ~/.key/colors.json is not present by @FliegendeWurst in #3439
- fix smt solver downloader script by @wadoon in #3445
- Update broken link in by @FliegendeWurst in #3444
- Update by @mattulbrich in #3446
- Immutable and valid JML set statement by @wadoon in #3400
- Combine equalsMod... methods by @tobias-rnh in #3386
- Introducing a new function symbol seqUpd by @mattulbrich in #3385
- Cleanup of declaration of taclet options by @WolframPfeifer in #3408
- Boyer Moore Majority Vote by @mattulbrich in #3454
- Hackeython/error reporting by @mattulbrich in #3432
- Nicer error message for parse errors by @FliegendeWurst in #3417
- Fixes a StackOverflow when pretty printing a taclet by @unp1 in #3453
- Fix newnames handling for new local vars by @FliegendeWurst in #3438
- Prevent Dependency PO generation for void methods by @Drodt in #3422
- Update dependabot configuration by @wadoon in #3447
- Add key features for the FM tutorial by @wadoon in #3460
- Fixed the path-to-smt-solver bug in windows by @vb213 in #3434
- Support for JML
by @flo2702 in #3465 - Basic Nullness Checker configuration by @wmdietl in #3183
- Nullness Type System activated for
by @wadoon in #3468 - Renovation of PO loading by @wadoon in #3379
- Fix checkstyle workflow by @Drodt in #3471
- Generalize ParsableVariable and Schemavariables by @Drodt in #3436
- Removal of JUnit4 by @wadoon in #3462
- Allow "\seq()" and "\locset()" in JML by @mattulbrich in #3476
- Introduce JML aliases of frame conditions for better tool compatibility by @mi-ki in #3365
- Fix loading of closed proofs (GUI threw error) by @unp1 in #3479
- Fix loading of taclet proof obligations (issue #3477) by @unp1 in #3481
- RuleCommand can now deal with rules that have schema variables for logical variables by @mattulbrich in #3482
- Additional rule for sequences: Swa...
KeY-2.12.2 (2023-11-10)
This release contains bug fixes and performance enhancements.
- Z3 is now configurable to use the QF (quantifier-free) theory for problems without quantifiers.
Bug Fixes:
- The pretty printer no longer throws a ClassCastException when printing taclets using schema variables of an array type.
- Nullable and non-null modifiers attached to model methods are no longer lost.
- Term rule indices are now always up-to-date, preventing potential prover crashes.
- The counter-example dialog no longer freezes the GUI, if the example generation fails.
- The actual proof status and proof status icon in the task overview are now consistent after pruning without requiring a manual refresh.
KeY-2.12.1 (2023-10-13)
Bug fixes
- SMT solvers are properly terminated on timeout
- Proof Macro statistics are kept visible and only count the newly applied rules
- Stop button is disabled after use, re-enabled after stop completes (this is to avoid double activation)
- Fully disable origin tracking if it is disabled
- Proof slicing works even if a cut introduced no new formulas in any branch
- When marking goal(s) as interactive/automatic, proof tree no longer loses expansion state
- Fix proof tree behaviour when toggling goals
- Fix branch selection in caching
- Fix gradle detection of git branch
- Fix unit test
- Fix environments not disposed in tests, keep strategy info visible after applying
- Proof macro: record statistics correctly
- Fix: KeY files with errors cannot be edited
KeY-2.12.0 (2023-08-18)
Breaking changes
- The minimum required JDK version is set to 11.
- This release contains breaking changes for the reloading of older proofs:
- Integers in specifications are now considered as unbounded (i.e.
, math mode specifiers can be used to deviate from the default). - The list of rule sets used by the One-Step-Simplifier has changed.
- JML assertions are handled as a standalone construct and not as a block contract anymore.
- Integers in specifications are now considered as unbounded (i.e.
Support for JML asserts/assumes as standalone construct (instead of transforming into blockcontracts), Support of \old() in JML asserts
Support for JML math mode specifiers (and changed default semantics to spec_bigint_math)
Migration to Github
- Enable JavaDL data types in ghost and model fields
- Change SwitchToIf to create a if-else cascade
- More proof script commands: hide and unhide
- Logging via slf4j
- Suggested automation for seqPerm
- More descriptive names for result variables
- Implement some features of the jml assert wishlist
- ChoiceExpr: En-/Disabling taclets/goal templates using boolean expression
- New rules from the sorting case study
- Overflow checking
- Bring INVISMT to KeY; Refactors SolverTypes
- Redux additions
UI/UX Improvements
- Selection history (back + forward button)
- Generic undo button for user actions
- Expand oss nodes
- Allow user to select any installed LaF
- Un-clutter the context menus in the proof tree view
- Close more dialogs on escape press
- Replay progress display
- Improved taclet error reporting
- Immediately resize proof tree font
- Tooltip for the exloration status label
- Update log button, use instead of edit, fix an exception and log format on windows
- Report location on error in constant evaluation
- Report better error for missing model method
- Proof tree view: Multiple small changes for readability
- Disable exploration tree updates when disabled
- Focus first cell in the taclet instantiation dialog on open
- Clipboard: Replace nbsp from html document selection with normal spaces
- Improve naming in recently used files dropdown
🛠 Maintenance/Internal Changes
Code formatting with spotless
Code-Clean-Ups and Refactoring:
- Replace the hardcoded SolverType classes by .props files
- Position information overhaul
- Remove ServiceLoaderUtil
- Remove last Eclipse files
- Code cleanup
- Miscellaneous cleanups (unused classes removed etc.)
- Removal of the Eclipse Plugins
- Remove sonarqube from readme
- Cleanup: Remove extension of CreatingASTVisitor by MergeRuleUtils.CollectLocationVariablesVisitor
- Some code cleanup
- Refactor Java formatter used in the sequent view
- Overhaul of the Configuration
- Add possibility to check for unsupported properties keys to SettingsConverter and clean up the class
- Removal of the Proof Collection Parser
- Small tweaks to proof script engine
- Reducing the binary filesize by only including the necessary example files
- Improve smt solver checking on windows
- Translating DL contracts to JML
- Read
once - Stop the message about java_profile.jfr
- Suppress logback message before configuration
- Support for jdiv and jmod in SMT translation via definitions
- Add gen folder to gitignore
- [Add T...
KeY-2.10.0 (2021-12-23)
- IMP: New SMT translation (!312), rework of the SMT communication (!381), and smaller fixes (!394)
- IMP: Renovating the KeY parser (!278)
- IMP: Rewrite of the JML parser in ANTLR (!306) with better exception message (!376)
- IMP: JML-Extension: Assert/Assume and *_free for block contracts (!342)
- FIX: Comment attachment in recoder (!399, !401)
- FIX: Collision of auxiliary contract (!396)
- FIX: Path handling of key files (!395)
- FIX: Pruning in closed branches looses rules (!388, #1480)
- FIX: Repaired file information if a directory is opened in KeY (!386, #1530)
- FIX: Proof loading in the CLI (!385)
- FIX: Invalid URLs under Windows (#1504, !264)
- FIX: lost error messages due to MalformedURLException (!290, #1529)
- FIX: catch headless to make key --auto runnable again (!382)
- FIX:
of a non-location (e.g.,\singleton(3)
) now raises an error (!377) - FIX: Completeness gap for array types (!367, #1566)
- FIX: add loop scope unwind (!326)
- IMP: A better dialog for warnings (!374)
- IMP: Performance tuning and fixes for ProofTree (!391)
- IMP: Enables selection of proof in Proof Differences view (!256)
- IMP: Better SourceView Tooltip (!379)
- IMP: Add setting to disable load examples dialog window (!368)
- IMP: Enable syntax highlighting for JML starting with annotation markers (!325)
- FIX: make proof to load from bundle selectable (!237)
- FIX: Escaping comma when saving bookmarked filenames of KeYFileChooser (!387, #1551)
- FIX: make exception dialog able to show files in Jar files (!383)
- FIX: Resolve "SMT Option GUI throws NPE on startup" (!373)
- Enabling of SonarQube in Merge Requests (!323, !378)
- Dependency fixes for Gradle 7 (!372)
We like to thank all the contributor to this release:
Alexander Weigl,
Alicia Appelhagen,
Benjamin Takacs,
Florian Lanzinger,
Jonas Schiffl,
Julian Wiesler,
Lukas Grätz,
Mattias Ulbrich,
Michael Kirsten,
Richard Bubel,
Wolfram Pfeifer
2.8.0 (2020-12-01)
- NEW: bsum taclets (!96)
- NEW: Taclets for more flexible handling of observer depency (!177)
- NEW: Loop contracts improvements (!188)
- NEW: Loop scopes: a new rule for proving loop invaraints (!313, !326)
- NEW: Support for Annotation Marker in JML (!308)
- NEW: created new file intDiv.key for newly added taclets concerning
(!182, !171, !180, !157, !152, !144, !141, !135, !98) - NEW: SMT preparation macro (!165)
- NEW: Completion Scopes (!305)
- FIX: Bugfixing handling of program variables of type "any" and parsing (!133)
- NEW:
\infinite_uniton(int x; x >= 0; this[x])
is now available in binder syntax:
(\infinite_uniton int x; x >= 0; this[x])
Old form is deprecated and will be removed in later versions. (!132) - NEW: Adding "System.arraycopy" with contract to JavaRedux (!137)
- NEW: Explizit excption for nested updates (allowed in the KeY book, unsupported by implementation) (!319)
- FIX: Speed up in saving proofs (!120)
- FIX: Incompleteness issue when rewite taclet was applied and the goaltemplate… (!119)
- NEW: Loop contract (!?, !73)
- NEW: Loading and Storing proofs with compression (gzip) (!12)
- NEW: Saving of proofs (incl. dependening resources) into one file (zip) called "proof bundle" (!237)
- FIX: Fix of inner blocks (!82)
- FIX: KeY read files character-wise, now the file content is cached (!XXX)
- More jml synonyms (!85)
- FIX: user-provided notes are saved within the proof file (!304)
- FIX: Origin labels for user interactions could not be parsed
- FIX: Method signature resolve in JML expressions (!309)
- NEW: Unifying and polishing the user interface (!123):
- KeY uses a docking framework, including storable/loadable layouts (!189)
- The settings are concentrated inside one dialog (!189, !266)
- Adaptable colors and key strokes (!189, !236, !254)
- Adaptable clutter rules (!7)
- Key based navigation within the proof tree view (!198)
- FIX: Handling of regex in search (!199)
- NEW: Icons !227
- NEW: Heatmaps: Coloring formulae on the sequent based on their change activity (!38, !140)
- NEW: Saving of proof bundles (!148, !310)
- NEW: View of the current source code marking executed parts. (!99, !260, !263, !267, !325)
- NEW: GUI Extension inferface: You can easily plugin new GUI elements.
- NEW: Origin labels tracks the origin of formulae within a sequence (!122, !248)
- NEW: Intraction logging (HacKeYthon'18) brings logging of user interaction
with exports to Proof Scripts (!84) - NEW: Proof exploration
- NEW: Favourites in file dialogs (!252)
- NEW: License dialog (!253)
- NEW: View for proof differences based on formula distance matching (!255)
- NEW: Schiffl's search filter (!4)
- NEW: Pre-select previous selected contract in ProofManagementDialog (!287)
- FIX: Parsing of char, integer and long literals (!9, #1446, !214, !196)
- FIX: Collision of heatmap and search colors (!178)
- FIX: Slightly less confusing presentation of SMT solver results (!160)
- FIX: Cluttering with the status line (!244)
- NEW: Allow macro application via keyboard shortcut from tree (!268)
- NEW: Open Java files without considering a classpath (!243)
- NEW: Rewrite command (!51)
- FIX: Several fixes and breaking changes: (!153, !146, !145)
- NEW: Improvements to the proof scripts (!314)
- NEW: Gradle became build tool (!179, !205, !208, !209, !280)
- Changes to the test infrastructure (!196)
- Export of maven dependecies
- New distribution formats: either a FatJar or zip file
- NEW: Quality assessment via sonarqube and sonarcloud (!323)
- Java 11 ready (!47)
- remove of JavaFX dependencies (!95)
- Integrate tests for well-definedness checks (!87 )
- Support of Eclipse PHOTON (!74)
Seveal small and large bug fixes:
(!331, !297, !296, !293,!290, !288, !286, !284, !277, !276, !273, !272, !271, !270, !265, !264, !234, !228, !227, !225, !224, !222, !219, !213, !212,
!209, !208, !205, !203, !201, !200, !199, !192, !190, !173, !170, !167, !163, !162, !158, !156,
!154, !153, !151, !146, !145, !139, !136, !133, !131, !119, !117,
!108, !99, !92, !83, !82, !81, !78, !77, !75, !73, !71, !70, !69, !68,
!67, !66, !65, !58, !52, !47, !46, !45, !40, !39, !37, !33, !31, !30, !24,
!23, !22, !14, !13, !10, !9, !8, !7, !3, !2)
We like to thank all the contributor to this release:
Alexander Weigl, Carsten Csiky, Dominic Steinhöfel, Florian Lanzinger, Hans-Dieter Hiep, Jelle
Kübler, Jonas Schiffl, Lukas Grätz, Lulu Luong, Mattias Ulbrich, Michael Kirsten, Mihai
Herda, Peter Schmitt, Richard Bubel, Sarah Grebing, Wolfram Pfeifer
KeY-2.6.3 (2017-10-11)
Full Changelog: KeY-2.6.2...KeY-2.6.3
KeY-2.6.2 (2017-04-13)
Full Changelog: KeY-2.6.1...KeY-2.6.2
KeY-2.6.1 (2017-01-31)
Full Changelog: KeY-2.6.0...KeY-2.6.1