This is one of my first prijects of such stuff. This file manager is working by terminal rules. There are some commands and instuctions to use it. Just compile it with MSVC compiler and the .exe file will be ready. This work was one is my STEP IT Academy projects.
Here are the commands:
ls = lists all files and folders in current directory in 4 columns, 10 elements each
if more than 40 elements , it will make one more such 40 element's table
it shows the size of each file (not folder), file/folder name and date of creation
at the end it gives you number of folders and files in directory (doesn't count '.' and '..' folders)
goto 'directory' = changes current directory.
You can change it completely by writing full directory, or add just folder name of current directory
(\ is not neccesarry, program will work either way)
mkdir 'foldername' = creates folder in any directory or current directory, as you want
mkfile 'filename' = creates file in full directory or current directory, as you want (file will have default sentence in it)
rmdir 'foldername'= recursively deletes the folder, firsly deletes all files then all folders
rmfile 'filename' = deletes a file in full directory or current directory, as you want
rename 'oldname new name' = renames any file or folder in current directory
cpyfileto 'filename directory'= copies any file from current directory to the directory that you
choose as second argument
cpydirto 'foldername directory'= recursively copies all files and folders of a folder from current directory to the directory that you
choose as second argument
sizeof 'foldername' - recursively counts the size of a folder and all subfolders and files
searchbymask 'mask' - recursively prints all files(including subfolders) with given mask, shows the total number of files with such mask, * prints all files and folders
exit = exits the program
clear= clears window and prints newline
info = prints instuctions