Here are the specific user stories implemented for this project:
- User Story: I can view all books posted by every user.
- User Story: I can add a new book.
- User Story: I can update my settings to store my full name, city, and state.
- User Story: I can propose a trade and wait for the other user to accept the trade.
In order to use books-to-all, you must have the following installed:
To install this app, simply enter the below in the terminal window:
$ git clone your-project
To install the dependencies, enter the following in your terminal:
$ cd your-project
$ npm install
This will install the books-to-all components into the your-project
Create a file named .env
in the root directory. This file should contain:
To start the app, make sure you're in the project directory and type node server.js
into the terminal. This will start the Node server and connect to MongoDB.
You should the following messages within the terminal window:
Node.js listening on port 8080...
Next, open your browser and enter http://localhost:8080/
. Congrats, you're up and running!
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