A Free_for_all Corne-Inspired Repo for anyone wanting to build there first corne keyboard on a budget (or just anyone wanting to see a different take on the same)
It will be running on KMK for firmware control:
- This is because I found it easier to flask KMK on an RP2040 based microcontroller
- Also:
- The programs are written in Python; hence easy to understand and modify
- The pins used don't really matter, since they are defined in the code (That saved me from a major headache)
- The use and related examples are well documented on there github page: https://github.com/KMKfw
I'll include links in the documentation as we go on The build I use for this is hand wired (Don't worry, it's not that hard and also cheaoer than ordering a PCB(In my country at least))
Parts for the build:
- Case: 3D printed
- files on the Printables website; for instance
- Microcontroller:
- YD-RP2040 Development Board (4MB Flash Raspberry Pi PICO * 2)
- Cables:
- TRRS Cable ;(4-Pin Aux)
- Type-C to Type-C (/USB-A) cable
- Other:
- MX Switches and MX-Compatible keycaps(Remember to make sure that you pic keycaps compatible with your switches)
- Diodes IN4148