fix(attachment): update app_attachment_url_to_postid function #157
66 errors and 1 warning
[phpstan] src/Optimization/Update.php#L116:
Filter callback return statement is missing.
[psalm] src/Optimization/Enqueue.php#L77:
RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type bool|string contains type string, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead.
[psalm] src/Optimization/Enqueue.php#L86:
RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type false|int<0, max> contains type int<0, max>, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead.
[psalm] src/Optimization/Enqueue.php#L151:
RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type null|string contains type string, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead.
[psalm] src/Optimization/Enqueue.php#L169:
RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type null|string contains type string, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead.
[psalm] src/Optimization/Enqueue.php#L180:
RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type false|string contains type string, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead.
[psalm] src/Optimization/Media.php#L94:
RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type null|string contains type string, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead.
[psalm] src/Optimization/Media.php#L96:
RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type null|string contains type string, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead.
[psalm] src/Optimization/Media.php#L110:
RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type null|string contains type string, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead.
[psalm] src/Optimization/Media.php#L218:
RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type null|string contains type string, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead.
[psalm] src/Optimization/Media.php#L304:
RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type array<array-key, array{height?: int|string, width?: int|string}>|false contains type array<array-key, array{height?: int|string, width?: int|string}>, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead.
[psalm] src/Optimization/Media.php#L350:
RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type array<array-key, stdClass>|false contains type array<array-key, stdClass>, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead.
[psalm] src/Optimization/Media.php#L375:
RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type false|string contains type string, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead.
[psalm] src/Optimization/Media.php#L395:
RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type bool|string contains type string, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead.
[psalm] src/Optimization/Media.php#L411:
RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type int|null contains type int, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead.
[psalm] src/Optimization/Media.php#L412:
RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type int|null contains type int, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead.
[psalm] src/Optimization/Media.php#L438:
RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type bool|string contains type string, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead.
[psalm] src/Optimization/Media.php#L442:
RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type array<array-key, string>|null contains type array<array-key, string>, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead.
[psalm] src/Optimization/Media.php#L451:
RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type int|null|string contains types int|string, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead.
[psalm] src/Optimization/Media.php#L455:
RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type int|null|string contains types int|string, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead.
[psalm] src/Optimization/PostGuid.php#L25:
RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type false|string contains type string, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead.
[psalm] src/Optimization/TermCount.php#L95:
RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type WP_Error|array<array-key, int> contains type array<array-key, int>, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead.
[psalm] src/Optimization/TermCount.php#L187:
RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type bool|string contains type string, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead.
[psalm] src/Optimization/Update.php#L321:
RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type array<string, mixed>|null|object{last_checked:int, translations:array<never, never>, response:array<never, never>, checked:array<array-key, string>} contains type array<string, mixed>, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead.
[psalm] src/Optimization/Update.php#L445:
RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type null|string contains type string, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead.
[psalm] src/Optimization/WPQuery.php#L56:
RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type array<array-key, int>|bool contains type array<array-key, int>, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead.
[psalm] src/Optimization/WPQuery.php#L84:
RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type array<array-key, int>|false|true contains type array<array-key, int>, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead.
[psalm] src/Optimization/WPQuery.php#L88:
RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type null|string contains type string, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead.
[psalm] src/Optimization/WPQuery.php#L114:
RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type array<array-key, int>|bool contains type array<array-key, int>, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead.
[psalm] src/Optimization/WPQuery.php#L144:
RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type false|int contains type int, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead.
[psalm] src/Optimization/WPQuery.php#L150:
RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type false|int contains type int, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead.
[psalm] src/Optimization/WPQuery.php#L167:
RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type false|int contains type int, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead.
[psalm] src/Optimization/WPQuery.php#L181:
RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type false|int contains type int, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead.
[psalm] src/Optimization/WPQuery.php#L193:
RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type null|string contains type string, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead.
[psalm] src/Security/Sanitize.php#L40:
RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type null|string contains type string, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead.
[psalm] src/Security/Sanitize.php#L45:
RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type null|string contains type string, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead.
[psalm] src/Security/Sanitize.php#L58:
RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type false|string contains type string, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead.
[psalm] src/Utils/AttachmentData.php#L57:
RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type null|string contains type string, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead.
[psalm] src/Utils/AttachmentData.php#L62:
RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type null|string contains type string, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead.
[psalm] src/Utils/AttachmentData.php#L86:
RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type null|string contains type string, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead.
[psalm] src/Utils/AttachmentData.php#L88:
RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type array<string, array{'mime-type': string, file: string, height: int, width: int}>|null contains type array<string, array{'mime-type': string, file: string, height: int, width: int}>, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead.
[psalm] src/Utils/AttachmentData.php#L92:
RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type int|null contains type int, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead.
[psalm] src/Utils/AttachmentData.php#L96:
RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type int|null contains type int, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead.
[psalm] src/Utils/AttachmentData.php#L162:
RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type array<string, array{'mime-type': string, file: string, height: int, width: int}>|null contains type array<string, array{'mime-type': string, file: string, height: int, width: int}>, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead.
[psalm] src/Utils/AttachmentData.php#L192:
RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type int|null|string contains types int|string, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead.
[psalm] src/Utils/AttachmentData.php#L194:
RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type null|string contains type string, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead.
[psalm] src/Utils/AttachmentData.php#L221:
RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type bool|int|null|string contains types int|string, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead.
[psalm] src/Utils/AttachmentData.php#L225:
RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type bool|int|null|string contains types int|string, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead.
[psalm] src/Utils/AttachmentData.php#L231:
RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type array<array-key, array{descriptor: string, url: string, value: int}>|false contains type array<array-key, array{descriptor: string, url: string, value: int}>, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead.
[psalm] src/Utils/AttachmentData.php#L250:
RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type bool|int|null|string contains types int|string, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead.
[psalm] src/Utils/AttachmentData.php#L254:
RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type bool|int|null|string contains types int|string, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead.
[psalm] src/Utils/AttachmentData.php#L273:
RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type array<string, array{'mime-type': string, file: string, height: int, width: int}>|null contains type array<string, array{'mime-type': string, file: string, height: int, width: int}>, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead.
[psalm] src/Utils/AttachmentData.php#L287:
RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type false|int<0, max> contains type int<0, max>, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead.
[psalm] src/helper.php#L29:
RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type null|string contains type string, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead.
[psalm] src/helper.php#L53:
RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type null|string contains type string, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead.
[psalm] src/helper.php#L80:
RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type null|string contains type string, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead.
[psalm] src/helper.php#L115:
RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type int|null|string contains types int|string, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead.
[psalm] src/helper.php#L116:
RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type int|null|string contains types int|string, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead.
[psalm] src/helper.php#L117:
RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type int|null|string contains types int|string, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead.
[psalm] src/helper.php#L125:
RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type bool|int|null|string contains types int|string, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead.
[psalm] src/helper.php#L125:
RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type int|null|string contains types int|string, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead.
[psalm] src/helper.php#L126:
RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type bool|int|null|string contains types int|string, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead.
[psalm] src/helper.php#L126:
RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type int|null|string contains types int|string, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead.
[psalm] src/helper.php#L130:
RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type bool|int|null|string contains types int|string, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead.
[psalm] src/helper.php#L134:
MixedAssignment: Unable to determine the type that $post is being assigned to
[psalm] src/helper.php#L161:
RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type false|null|string contains type string, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead.
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: actions/checkout@v3, actions/cache@v3. For more information see: