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JRDB Evaluation Toolkit

Toolkit for JRDB dataset

This repo contain code for JRDB dataset and benchmark. For tracking evaluation, our code is adapted from TrackEval. With addition code from 3D tracking and OSPA metric. For detection evaluation, the code is adapted from Kitti Detection. For action evaluation, the code is adapted from AVA dataset. Please preceed to sub directory for specific instructions.

The visualisation is based on KITTI visualisation from Kuixu, we did some modifications (still developing).

Camera & Lidar coordinate systems

Please note these coordinate system changes before generating submissions
Coordinates in LiDAR:                       Coordinates in camera:

            up z                                                  z front                          
               ^   x front                                       /                                  
               |  /                                             /                          
               | /                                             0 ------> x right                          
left y <------ 0                                               |                          
                                                          down y      

The relative coordinate of bottom center in a LiDAR box is (0.5, 0.5, 0), and the yaw is around the z axis, thus the rotation axis=2.

Groundtruth box's coordinates:
Box in LIDAR                            Box in camera:

    /-------------/|                                            /-------------/|                                       
   /|            / |                                           /|            / |                                       
  /_____________/  |                                          /_____________/  |                                       
 |  |          |   |                                         |  |          |   |                                       
 |  |    z|    |   |                                         |  |          |   |                                       
 |  |     | /x |   |                                         |  |          |   |                                       
 |  |     |/   |   |                                         |  |          |   |                                       
 |  |y<---+    |   |                                         |  |          |   |                                       
 |  |          |   |                                         |  |      /z  |   |                                       
 | /+----------+--/                                          | /+-----/----+--/                                       
 |/            | /                                           |/      +--->x| /                                         
 |_____________|/                                            |_______|_____|/                                          

x, y, z, l (x_size), w (y_size), h (z_size)                       x, y, z, l (z_size), w (x_size), h (y_size)


Toolkit for JRDB dataset






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