pos2tracery is a tool stemming from my NaNoGenMo 2017 Artbook Project and modified with behaviors from the NaNoGenMo 2018 Wink Project it uses the Wink POS Tagger which uses the transformation based learning (TBL) approach to create tracery grammars to take sentence forms from a corpus, but replace the parts of speech within them with other parts of speech from throughout the corpus. It is aware of contractions and punction; and creates tracery's default english modifiers.
npm install -g pos2tracery
pos2tracery currently consists of 3 tools, pos2tracery, merge, and generate each can be run as a standalone app, or imported into your projects.
Generate tracery grammars from POS tags.
pos2tracery [pos|p] <input> [output] [options]
example: pos2tracery pos corpus.txt grammar.json
input input/source file [string] [required]
output optional output/destination file, if not set file prints to stdout [string]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--verbose, -v print details while processing [count]
--percent, -p limit the percentage of words replaced with their POS tags number between 1 and 100 [number] [default: 100]
--modifiers, -m replace english modifiers with their equivalent tracery.modifier function [boolean] [default: false]
--origin, -o Include "origin" key in tracery file, specify --no-origin to not add this key [boolean] [default: true]
--ignore, -i list of parts of speech to not tagify [array] [default: []]
--split, -s determine string splitting strategy: line, paragraph, or sentence [choices: "l", "p", "s"] [default: "s"]
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
Generate tracery grammars with Soundex.
pos2tracery soundex <input> [output]
example: pos2tracery soundex corpus.txt grammar.json
input input/source file [string] [required]
output optional output/destination file, if not set file prints to stdout [string]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--verbose, -v print details while processing [count]
--percent, -p limit the percentage of words replaced with their POS tags number between 1 and 100 [number] [default: 100]
--origin Include "origin" key in tracery file, specify --no-origin to not add this key [boolean] [default: true]
--split, -s determine string splitting strategy: line, paragraph, or sentence [choices: "l", "p", "s"] [default: "s"]
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
Merge 2 tracery grammars with
pos2tracery merge <inputA> <inputB> [output]
example: pos2tracery merge grammar.json grammar2.json combined_output.json
inputA input/source file [string] [required]
inputB input/source file [string] [required]
output optional output/destination file, if not set file prints to stdout [string]
--version Show version number [boolean]
-v, --verbose print details while processing [boolean] [default: false]
-d, --dupes [boolean] [default: true]
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
Generate text from a tracery grammar
pos2tracery generate <input>
pos2tracery generate grammar.json
input input/source grammar file [string] [required]
--version Show version number [boolean]
-m, --modifiers use modifiers [boolean] [default: true]
-o, --origin use specified origin to create sentences [string] [default: "origin"]
--repeat, -r define number of sentence to generate [number] [default: 1]
--evaluate, -e evaluate tracery as javascript template (write javascript inside ${} in tracery) [boolean] [default: false]
--verbose, -v output information about internal processes [count]
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
Delete keys in a tracery grammar through a whitelist and/or a blacklist
pos2tracery delete <input> [output]
pos2tracery delete grammar.json grammar-clean.json -t story
input input/source file [string] [required]
output optional output/destination file, if not set file prints to stdout [string]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--keep, -k a list of keys to keep from the input json file (overrides duplicate values in toss) [array] [default: []]
--toss, -t a list of keys to delete from the input json file [array] [default: []]
-v, --verbose print details while processing [count]
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
pos2tracery can also be used inside of your node projects. Each option is set by using the long-form version of the CLI option
The only change is that since delete
is a reserved word in Javascript the function is called del
const p2t = require('pos2tracery');
let merged = p2t.merge({
inputA: p2t.del({
input: "./grammar_A.json",
toss: "story"
inputB: p2t.del({
input: "./grammar_B.json",
keep: "story"
input: merged,
modifiers: true