I've found it one the reddit [1,2]. Also it was mentioned in a few bitcointalk topics [3]. There is the BTC address [4] filled with 0.2 BTC on 2020-05-10 11:01 and the picture (see "pictures" folder) where this address appears withing a "puzzle". Thats all the data for now - several variant of the same pictures acquired from several sources. Later i'll try to find some patterns and documents my findings here.
Thank you for spending time on my notes, i hope it was not totally useless and you've found something interesting.
Any ideas\questions or propositions you may send to [email protected].
[1] Reddit topic #1 - https://www.reddit.com/r/bitcoinpuzzles/comments/jrr7mo/is_this_puzzle_still_valid_is_this_image_correct/
[2] Reddit topic #2 - https://www.reddit.com/user/stsh_n/comments/j79zvj/bitcoin_puzzle_2000/
[3] BTC32 Bitcointalk topic - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1306983.0
[4] 0.2 BTC address - https://www.blockchain.com/id/btc/address/1KfZGvwZxsvSmemoCmEV75uqcNzYBHjkHZ
I am poor Ukrainian student that will really appreciate any donations. I have no home (flat\appartment), live in the dorm trying to accumulate funds for the smallest flat in the city - with no success at the moment, have nearly 10% of needed amount.
P.S. Successfully evacuated from occupied regions of Ukraine.
DOGE: DQvfzvVyb4tnBpkd3DRUfbwJjgPSjadDTb