Live App Demo: RP2 Single-Core Processor Server
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RP2 is a rapidly-growing open-source next generation project and task management system! Work with your team members and interact with the gamification system!
Template from Vikinger used.
The dev
branch is the development version of RP2 and it may be unstable. To use the latest stable version, download it from the Releases page or switch to a release tag.
The fastest way to develop with RP2 is by using python virtualenv library
install virtualenv if it's not installed
pip install virtualenv
and run the following commands:
git clone -b main
cd rp2
virtualenv venv
. source/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python makemigrations
python migrate
python runserver
Just installing Celery, however, isn’t enough. If you attempt to run the task queue, you’ll notice that Celery first seems to start up fine but then displays an error message that indicates that Celery can’t find a message broker.
sudo apt install redis
Open another terminal or linux service in server and run celery workers
celery -A rp2 worker --loglevel=info
Open another terminal or linux service. You should change permission access mode (chmod) of these files
chmod -R 777 celerybeat-schedule venv
and run celery beat
celery -A rp2 beat
You’ve successfully arranged the puzzle pieces necessary to run the project.
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Crafted with ❤️ by Contributors
RP2 © 2023, Ovezdurdy Hojagulyyev - Released under the MIT License.