One command to set up your self-hosted:
- Nextcloud over tor, with https.
- Calendar sync with your android phone, over tor, with https.
- Command-line calendar interface.
- Exponential backups.
No need to buy a domain name, no port-forwarding, no dns settings, no nothing. Tested (manually) on Ubuntu 22.10.
- The Nextcloud calendar can be visited at https://localhost:
<your port>
. - The Android calendar is used like you always use it, this just sets up the sync with your own laptop/server in the background (over tor).
- To use the CLI calendar type:
khal interactive -a personal # Specify you want to edit calendar: "personal".
and after you are done adding/changing/deleting your calendar appointments, run:
vdirsyncer sync
This is when the installation was already done and you would like to retry it.
src/ -un # uninstall Nextcloud
src/ \
--configure-nextcloud \
--configure-tor \
--local-http-nextcloud-port 80 \
--local-https-nextcloud-port 7995 \
--external-nextcloud-port 7995 \
--ssl-password somepassword \
src/ --calendar-server # Enable the Nextcloud Calendar application.
# Install Calendar CLI and sync.
src/ --calendar-client \
--nextcloud-username root \
--external-nextcloud-port 7995 \
src/ --android-reinstall Orbot,DAVx5
src/ --android-configure Orbot,DAVx5 \
--nextcloud-username root \
--external-nextcloud-port 7995 \
src/ --uninstall-calendar-client # Remove vdirsyncer and khal from client.
Ps. this works, but it still needs sudo, which is quite inelegant for the cronjob.
The exponential part means in this context: the further back in time, the fewer backups you keep. To set up a cronjob that automatically backs up your entire Nextcloud, run:
chmod +x src/backup/*.sh
sudo src/backup/./
That's it. See below on how to restore any of those backups.
To manually create a backup file in:
, run:
You can restore that backup file with:
sudo src/backup/./import_data -a -b -c -d /home/oem/Nextcloud/backups/20230525-032501
Note the file extension is dropped for the import.
Put your unit test files (with extension .bats) in folder: /test/
(Re)-install the required submodules with:
chmod +x
sudo gem install bats
sudo gem install bashcov
sudo apt install shfmt -y
pre-commit install
pre-commit autoupdate
Run pre-commit with:
pre-commit run --all
Run the tests with:
bats test
If you want to run particular tests, you could use the
chmod +x
bashcov bats test
- Include arg parser to allow user to select between:
- Server
- Client
- Phone installation.
- Automatically set up Nextcloud calendar accessible over tor.
- Add a local calendar viewing app like thunderbird to prevent having to wait on the onion domain loading every time you wanna access your calendar. add torsocks to that local viewing app, such that it syncs automatically. Ensure it does not sync locally, but over tor.
- Automatically set up calendar sync over tor for android app.
- Get API to add taskwarrior tasks.
- Allow users to share an obfuscated calendar to enable people to make an appointment with the user at an allowed slot, without seeing user activity.
- Include travel times in calendar planner.
- Remove the need for sudo for the backups.
- Fix importing the Nextcloud config backup.
- Improve code quality.
- Include bash code coverage in GitLab CI.
- Add additional (relevant) pre-commit hooks.
- Develop Bash documentation checks here, and add them to this pre-commit.