Creating Backend using Python Framework Django
pip install python
pip install django
pip install djangorestframework
django-admin startproject apiProject
pip install markdown
# Markdown support for the browsable API.
pip install django-filter
python runserver
INSTALLED_APPS = [ "django.contrib.admin", "django.contrib.auth", "django.contrib.contenttypes", "django.contrib.sessions", "django.contrib.messages", "django.contrib.staticfiles", "rest-framework" ]
REST_FRAMEWORK = { # Use Django's standard
django.contrib.auth permissions, # or allow read-only access for unauthenticated users. 'DEFAULT_PERMISSION_CLASSES': [ 'rest_framework.permissions.DjangoModelPermissionsOrAnonReadOnly' ] }
python startapp api
python makemigrations
To reflects the changings into the database (Send data from MODEL to DATABASE ) use the following command in terminal
python migrate
- GET Get the APIs "[ { "url": "", "name": "Bridal_lahnga", "about": "This is the bridal lehnga with heavy detailing all around the fabric", "product_description": "Color: Red, detailing: heavy dabka work", "type": "Western", "added_date": "2023-01-16T11:03:12.604868Z" }, { "url": "", "name": "Bridal_Saree", "about": "This is the heavy embroidered Bridal Saree", "product_description": "Color: Royal Blue, heavily detailing on damman", "type": "Eastern", "added_date": "2023-01-16T11:27:17.827895Z" }, { "url": "", "name": "Bridal Garara", "about": "This is the heavy embroidered Bridal Garara", "product_description": "Color: Orange, heavily detailing on front pannel", "type": "Eastern", "added_date": "2023-01-16T11:39:48.044836Z" } ]"
- POST '{ "name": "Bridal Garara 2", "about": "This is the heavy embroidered Bridal Garara", "product_description": "Color: Orange, heavily detailing on front pannel", "type": "Eastern", "added_date": "2023-01-16T12:27:17.827895Z" }'
- PUT ' { "name": "Bridal_lahnga", "about": "This is the bridal lehnga with heavy detailing all around the fabric", "product_description": "Color: Pink, detailing: heavy dabka work and thread work on back", "type": "Western", "added_date": "2023-01-16T11:03:12.604868Z" }'