The software is divided into two macro-components, the "Frontend" package and the "Backend" package. Both will need to be launched at the same time to run correctly the software. The Frontend component will be reachable at port 3000. The Backend component will be reachable at port 4000.
MongoDB : 5.0 - Node.js : 14.18.0 - Npm : 6.14.15
Use the package manager npm to install the sofwtare.
cd frontend
npm install
npm run build
# if run build fails due to permission denied
npm install react-scripts --save
Use the package manager npm to install the sofwtare.
cd backend
npm install
# Start frontend
cd frontend
npm start
# Start backend
cd backend
npm start
Use the npm forever to runs continuously the software.
# Start frontend
cd frontend
sudo npm install forever -g
forever start -c "npm start" ./
# Start backend
cd backend
sudo npm install forever -g
forever start -c "npm start" ./
The software is now reachable on http://localhost:3000/