⚡ I'm Gustavo a Neuroscientist now pursuing a Computer Science PhD at the Laboratory of Applied Artificial Intelligence, working on Computational Psychiatry: high precision hand and eye movements characterization during neuropsychological tests resolution.
🌎 I am also really interested in Data Science, Machine Learning, Eye Tracking and Neuro/Psych online experiments.
- 🗜️ Listas (y otros tipos) por comprensión en Python
- Los ✨métodos mágicos✨ de Python (que de mágicos no tienen nada 😅)
- The not-so-short tutorial for study ERPs (using EEGLAB custom scripting in MATLAB)
- Cómo programar fácilmente experimentos comportamentales online utilizando jsPysch
- Cómo subir experimentos comportamentales a la web fácil y gratis con jsPsych y Cognition.run
- Como empezar a analizar datos con Python usando Google Colab
- ¿Por qué se ven así los DataFrames de Pandas en un Jupyter Notebook?
- Python automation
- Analysis and visualizations with Python for Neuroscience course
- Web Scraping with Python for freeCodeCamp
- Unveiling Trail Making Test: visual and manual trajectories indexing multiple executive processes (Nature Scientific Reports)
- Web-based eye-tracking for remote cognitive assessments: The anti-saccade task as a case study (Biorxiv)
- Enhancing Cognitive Assessment: Integrating Hand and Eye Tracking in the Digital Trail-Making Test for Mild Cognitive Impairment (ETRA '24: Proceedings of the 2024 Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications)