Your one and only developer assistant
The language might change...Currently it is implemented in Python, but other versions might also be introduced.
DevAssist is is your personal assistant during and after developing.
There are many features planned, so make sure to check this page actively!
- Run Python programs
Want to help? All contributions are encouraged! Want to add a support for another language? Want to fix a bug? Want to add a feature? Fork the repo, add specs, and send a pull request!
Have an awesome idea but are not ready to contribute? Submit an issue on Github with the tag enhancement.
To install via pip:
pip install DevAssist
It is possible to create a custom implementation of DevAssist quite easily. This can be done by manipulating numerous arguments when creating a DevAssist object.
To implement speech recognition, you will need to add the argument speech_adapter
as an option to DevAssist. The possible recognition libraries you can use (at the moment) are:
- recognize_sphinx
Examples of implementation are:
# Using "recognize_sphinx"
my_DevAssist = DevAssist(
It is possible to implement only specific modules. Each module accomplishes a unique task. The FileRunner module, for example, allows the user to run files. To pick only specific modules, change the modules
argument passed to DevAssist(), like in the following example:
# Using all of the current built-in modules
my_DevAssist = DevAssist(
The current list of available modules:
- FileRunner : This module allows DevAssist to run files
- TestRunner : This module gives DevAssist the ability to run project tests and report back the results.
DevAssist is provided under the MIT license