Source code for Molecular Dynamics Program - can compile and run on Linux, Windows, and Mac OSX
More information about this program, including detailed instructions for its use, can be found here for instructions and here for discussion of its use in an undergraduate laboratory setting
This folder should containt the source code (MD.cpp) and a makefile which can be used to compile the source to a machine-executable file.
A copy of the gnu public license (LICENSE.md) should be included.
To compile this code using a gnu C/C++ compiler and create an executable called 'MD.exe' in a Linux/Unix environment, type
To run the program in a Linux/Unix environment, type
The program will run interactively. Follow the prompts to customize your simulation
Note for Windows users on Cygwin installation: Our J. Chem. Ed. article suggests installing all Cygwin packages, which is quite large and time consuming. Success with a much lighter installation has been reported by selecting the default package installation plus 3 additional packages under the "devel" sub-heading. As accessed on 01/08/2020, these packages and version numbers are as follows:
- gcc-g++ (7.4.0-1)
- git (2.21.0-1)
- make (4.2.1-2)