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Feiyou Guo edited this page Jul 27, 2022 · 4 revisions

Integration with hydra.nvim

You can use command_center, instead of auto-generated hint, to help you remember commands when using hydra.

Below is an example of git mode. Plugins used in the example includes:

  • hydra.nvim
  • command_center.nvim
  • gitsigns
  • diffview
  • neogit
  local hydra = require("hydra")
  local command_center = require("command_center")
  local gitsigns = require('gitsigns')

  local git_mode_name = "Git_Mode"
  local git_mode_key = "<leader>g"

  local noremap = { noremap = true }

  -- MARK: Keybindings
  local git_mode_commands = {
      description = "show all commands in git mode",
      cmd = "<CMD>Telescope command_center category=" .. git_mode_name .. "<CR>",
      keybindings = { "n", "?", noremap },
    }, {
      description = "Exit git mode",
      cmd = git_mode_key,
      keybindings = { "n", git_mode_key, { nowait = true } },
      hydra_head_args = { exit = true },
      category = git_mode_name,
    }, {
      description = "Next hunk",
      cmd = function()
        if vim.wo.diff then return ']c' end
        vim.schedule(function() gitsigns.next_hunk() end)
        return "<Ignore>"

      keybindings = { "n", "<C-n>", { noremap = true, expr = true } },
      category = git_mode_name,
    }, {
      description = "Previous hunk",
      cmd = function()
        if vim.wo.diff then return '[c' end
        vim.schedule(function() gitsigns.prev_hunk() end)
        return "<Ignore>"

      keybindings = { "n", "<C-p>", { noremap = true, expr = true } },
      category = git_mode_name,
    }, {
      description = "Stage hunk",
      cmd = gitsigns.stage_hunk,
      keybindings = { "n", "s", {} },
      category = git_mode_name,
    }, {
      description = "Undo stage hunk",
      cmd = gitsigns.undo_stage_hunk,
      keybindings = { "n", "u", {} },
      category = git_mode_name,
    }, {
      description = "Stage buffer",
      cmd = gitsigns.stage_buffer,
      keybindings = { "n", "S", {} },
      category = git_mode_name,
    }, {
      description = "Preview hunk",
      cmd = gitsigns.preview_hunk,
      keybindings = { "n", "K", {} },
      category = git_mode_name,
    }, {
      description = "View line blame",
      cmd = gitsigns.blame_line,
      keybindings = { "n", "b", {} },
      category = git_mode_name
      description = "Toggle deleted",
      cmd = gitsigns.toggle_deleted,
      keybindings = { "n", "<leader>d", {} },
      category = git_mode_name
    }, {
      description = "View line blame (full)",
      cmd = function() gitsigns.blame_line({ full = true }) end,
      keybindings = { "n", "B", {} },
      category = git_mode_name
    }, {
      description = "Open neogit",
      cmd = "<CMD>Neogit<CR>",
      keybindings = { "n", "c", {} },
      category = git_mode_name
    }, {
      description = "Open diffview",
      cmd = "<CMD>DiffviewOpen<CR>",
      keybindings = { "n", "dv", {} },
      category = git_mode_name
    }, {
      description = "Open file commit history panel",
      cmd = "<CMD>DiffviewFileHistory<CR>",
      keybindings = { "n", "df", {} },
      category = git_mode_name
    }, {
      description = "Close diffview/file commit history panel",
      cmd = "<CMD>DiffviewClose<CR>",
      keybindings = { "n", "q", {} },
      category = git_mode_name

  -- MARK: Create hydra
    name = git_mode_name,
    config = {
      buffer = bufnr,
      color = "pink",
      invoke_on_body = true,
      hint = false,
      on_enter = function()
        vim.cmd("silent! %foldopen!") = false

        command_center.add(git_mode_commands, command_center.mode.ADD_ONLY)
      on_exit = function()

    mode = { "n", "x" },
    body = git_mode_key,
    heads = command_center.converter.to_hydra_heads(git_mode_commands),

You can press ?, when this hydra is activated, to view and search all commands related to Git_Mode.

When you exit Git_Mode hydra, all Git_Mode commands will also be removed from command_center.

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