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Made at UGAHacks 5.

Socket stuff

-> is from the server to the user <- is from the user to the server

User first gets into the webpage

-> 'setup' with world = {size, objects, static_objects} -> 'leaderboard' with leaderboard = {top = [{name: score}, ...], current}

User enters name and clicks "Play!"

<- 'ready' with player name -> 'ready' with player objectId


<- 'key state' with keys = {forward, backwards, left, right, shoot, turbo} -> 'objects initial' with initialized = {id: object, ...} -> 'objects updated' with updated = {id: object, ...} -> 'objects removed' with removed = [id, ...]

User dies

-> 'death' with nothing - reload page

User leaves

<- 'disconnect' with reason, remove user from game data


  • splash page in front of the game
    • top and current time leaderboard shown
    • two people cant have the same name
    • dont need to check name for bad words
    • send over to the server and send over an object id to the user
    • the user will then send over an 'OK' signal
  • main game
    • asteroids and players can be pushed around with lasers
    • iframes when you spawn and 1.5s after
      • fly in from the sides of the map
    • black holes that suck
    • death zones on the sides of the map, die after ~2 seconds
      • based on number of players maybe
    • scoreboard based on total time alive, maybe kills based on last laser hit
    • iframes on hit if its not funny
    • ships bounce off each other && asteroids bounce off each other
    • three types of ships maybe
      • ram, normal, blaster -X movement (Complete:Still needs testing) -X w: boost forward, s: boost backward and half the rate, a: rotate left, d: rotate right -X turbo boost: accelerate 2x as fast, 10s cooldown -X rotation speed -X boost speed
    • lasers
      • 1s cooldown
    • asteroids
      • keep number consistent
      • if one goes off screen, another takes its place
    • black holes
      • get in the middle => get smaller and die
      • radius of effect
    • go back to splash page when you die with name autofilled
    • add grid to game map
    • collision checking(server-side) within 9 block square of grid
    • blast zone checker
  • references

Actual TODO

  • leaderboard
  • collision
    • bouncing
    • fix the way it is now
  • set laser to not collide with parent
  • drawing death zone on client, if statements on server
  • player timers, like boost and lasers
  • asteroids spawning
  • up rotation velocity
  • cap max velocity on ships
  • make lasers faster?
  • randomize stars
  • camera border?
  • death screen
  • optimizations
    • network
    • drawing
  • client side entity updating instead of relying on server communication fully (think of source engine multiplayer)
  • make death zone very clear
  • more zoomed in / smaller map
  • make it easier to locate other players or have a coordinate system (A5, B1, etc.)
  • make lasers more noticeable
  • asteroids bigger
  • able to destroy asteroids after a couple of shots
    • make it noticeable of how many hits it will take to destroy
  • fix project on GCP (evan only)
  • fix going to chat on 't' when on splash screen
  • play on mobile
  • aim and move with mouse?
    • distance away from mouse is speed?
  • statistics (current/max number of players, average play time, highest score)