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Per Persson edited this page Jul 7, 2017 · 4 revisions

Editor Support

To make life easier for everyone, we will try to keep an updated list of plugins, modes, bundles, etc. for various editors. These are not part of the Calvin project, but provided by third parties. If your favorite editor is not listed below, consider taking the plunge and providing support for it.

TextMate 2 (Mac OS X)

There is a relatively mature CalvinScript.tmbundle available for TextMate. It provides a number of useful tricks, including

  • Syntax highlighting
  • Syntax checking (via Calvin's cscompile tool)
  • Documentation for actors (via Calvin's csdocs tool)
  • Running CalvinScripts inside TextMate, or in a terminal
  • Rendering a flow graph representation of a script (via Calvin's csviz tool)
  • Context sensitive tab-completion (beta)

SublimeText (Mac OS X, Windows and Linux)

While there is no proper package for SublimeText, the syntax definition file, CalvinScript.tmLanguage, from the TextMate bundle should work with SublimeText.

Atom (Mac OS X, Windows and Linux)

Language definitions for CalvinScript and an optional custom theme (Northernlights) with support for all scopes used are available for download. Use apm link to install, see Atom documentation for details.

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