Base of program allowing to create particles to localise the plane
- Create a virtual env at the repository root
python -m venv venv
- Swtich to virtual env
source ./venv/bin/activate
- To go back to host env simply execute command below:
- When venv is created and activate, install python dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Start the simulation
chmod +x ./scripts/
cd scripts
- Space bar: pause resume the simulator
- Left click: Add an obstacle to the environment
- Right click: Remove an obstacle to the environment
- S key: Save the current environment (obstacles) into '\tmp\obstacles.npy'
- R key: Reset Plane position and particles filter
- + key: Speed up the plane
- - key: Slow down the plane
Update the file to:
- Create first particles set
def getRandParticle(self,nbr, start_x, max_x, start_y, max_y):
particle_list = []
##### TODO
## nbr: number fo particles
## start_x: min x possible coordinate
## max_x: max x possible coordinate
## start_y: min y possible coordinate
## max_y: max y possible coordinate
## Use the Particle object to fill the list particle_list
return particle_list
- Weight the particles
def weightingParticle(self,p_x, p_y, observed_distance):
##### TODO
## p_x: x coordinate of the particle p
## p_y: y coordinate of the particle p
## observed_distance: distance to the ground
## measure by the probe
## return weight corresponding to the given particle
## according observation
## Note ue the function distance_to_obstacle to get the
## estimate particle to the ground distance
return ""
- Select particles according the weights
def weighted_random_choice(self,choices):
##### TODO
## choices: dictionary holding particle coordination as key
## and weight as value
## return the selected particle key
return ""
- Resample particles
def motion_prediction(self):
new_particle_list = []
choices = {}
for i in range(len(self.particle_list)):
choices[self.particle_list[i].id()] = self.particle_list[i].w
##### TODO
## self.particle_list: list of available particles
## Use the function self.weighted_random_choice(choices) returning
# coordinate from a particle according a
## roulette wheel algorithm
# Note that weighted_random_choice return a string containing coodinate x and y of the selected particle
# coord = self.weighted_random_choice(choices)
# x_coord = int(coord.split('_')[0])
# y_coord = int(coord.split('_')[1])
return new_particle_list
Generate several test environments (at least 5) and highlight particle filter behaviour of each of them (specify the chosen, weight computation method, motion and observation error model)
Test different weight computation method (at least 2) on these generated environments (specify the chosen motion and observation error model)
Test different motion models (at least 2) error on these generated environments (specify the chosen weight computation method and observation error model)
Test the influence of the observation error model on these generated environments (specify the chosen weight computation method and motion error model)
For each analysis, provide a set of screenshots and your associated comments and conclusion
- Improve your particle filter by adding moves capacity to the plane.
- By clicking on the up arrow and down arrow, the plane goes up or go done
- Generated particles no more stay on the same y coordinate and need to be generated and move on both x and y coordinates
- Modify the plane simulator in order to allow plane move on both x and y axes
- Modify particle filter to word on theses new conditions